Tech Talk: Cloud Power

PMC distinguished engineer Kenneth Wagner talks about the need for conserving energy in the data center as well as mobile device, and what are the best ways to accomplish that. The video was shot at the Cadence Low Power Summit. [youtube vid=tXx8-qX4vm4] » read more

Tech Talk: What’s Inside Your Car?

Dinraj Shetty, vice president of design engineering at Spansion, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about automotive electronics and where the big concerns are today. The video was shot at the Cadence Low Power Summit. [youtube vid=-Qbgh8aFDTA] » read more

Tech Talk: Security Risks In An SoC

Lawrence Loh, vice president of engineering at Jasper Design Automation, maps out the security threats in complex systems on chip. [youtube vid=5GBYOnCBfEE] » read more

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