Tech Talk: FPGA Prototyping

Neil Songcuan, senior product marketing manager at Synopsys, examines the hidden time savings from using an FPGA prototype platform for IP validation and software development, in addition to hardware design. While FPGA prototypes are a well known way of speeding up hardware design, their value in IP validation and software development for an integrated SoC is just beginning to surface. [you... » read more

Tech Talk: Security Risks In An SoC

Lawrence Loh, vice president of engineering at Jasper Design Automation, maps out the security threats in complex systems on chip. [youtube vid=5GBYOnCBfEE] » read more

Tech Talk: 2.5D Stacked Die

What's the motivation for moving to 2.5D packaging and architectures rather than following Moore's Law? Shafy Eltoukhy, VP of operations and technology development at Open-Silicon, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about adding another dimension in semiconductors. [youtube vid=HwpY9bUNt0w] » read more

Tech Talk: 16nm-14nm Effects And Challenges

Arvind Shanmugavel from Apache Design talks with Semiconductor Engineering about electromigration, electrostatic discharge and thermal effects caused by increasing power density in finFETs.   [youtube vid=GOra5uYyIr8] » read more

New Pain And Inflection Points

Jack Harding, CEO of eSilicon, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the explosion in the costs and the risk of semiconductor designs at the leading edge of Moore's Law. [youtube vid=HLS5QhnGHfM] » read more

Expert on Expert: The Higgs Boson

Mentor Graphics CEO Wally Rhines, a materials scientist, talks with Dr. Sean Carroll, a particle physicist at the California Institute of Technology about the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the cost of future discoveries, and what's left for physicists to discover. [youtube vid=qokwittw_8k] » read more

Executive Briefing: Prakash Narain

Real Intent CEO Prakash Narain talks with System-Level Design about where are the pain points in verification; different types of signoff; the impact of third-party IP, and can the tools industry keep up with the rising complexity in semiconductor design. [youtube vid=C25VMRDXGAQ] » read more

Foundry Talk

GlobalFoundries CEO Ajit Manocha sounds off on Foundry 2.0, 450mm wafers, lithography challenges, stacked die, the Internet of Things and the rush to the next process node. [youtube vid=WfjtlZkCi0w] » read more

Manufacturing Ecosystem Challenges

What are the challenges facing semiconductor manufacturers and designers at the leading edge of Moore's Law? Semiconductor Manufacturing & Design asked Kevin Kranen of Synopsys, Seow Yin Lim of Cadence, Michael Buehler-Garcia of Mentor Graphics and Tom Quan of TSMC. [youtube vid=d6-zMJSxnpg] » read more

Executive Briefing: Formal Attire

Kathryn Kranen, CEO of Jasper Design Automation, talks with Low Power-High-Performance Engineering about formal verification, where the pain points are in SoC design, and why there is still life left in Moore's Law. [youtube vid=x4jlo6_RRqw] » read more

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