
End-to-End System for Object Localization By Coupling pMUTs to a Neuromorphic RRAM-based Computational Map


New research paper titled “Neuromorphic object localization using resistive memories and ultrasonic transducers” from researchers at CEA, LETI, Université Grenoble Alpes and others.

“Real-world sensory-processing applications require compact, low-latency, and low-power computing systems. Enabled by their in-memory event-driven computing abilities, hybrid memristive-Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor neuromorphic architectures provide an ideal hardware substrate for such tasks. To demonstrate the full potential of such systems, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an end-to-end sensory processing solution for a real-world object localization application. Drawing inspiration from the barn owl’s neuroanatomy, we developed a bio-inspired, event-driven object localization system that couples state-of-the-art piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducer sensors to a neuromorphic resistive memories-based computational map. We present measurement results from the fabricated system comprising resistive memories-based coincidence detectors, delay line circuits, and a full-custom ultrasound sensor. We use these experimental results to calibrate our system-level simulations. These simulations are then used to estimate the angular resolution and energy efficiency of the object localization model. The results reveal the potential of our approach, evaluated in orders of magnitude greater energy efficiency than a microcontroller performing the same task.”

Find the open access technical paper here. Published June 2022.

Moro, F., Hardy, E., Fain, B. et al. Neuromorphic object localization using resistive memories and ultrasonic transducers. Nat Commun 13, 3506 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31157-y.

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