How Quickly Will Multi-Die Systems Change Semiconductor Design?

A group of companies are advancing multi-die systems — senior executives from various levels of the technology stack discuss multi-die design.


For many decades, semiconductor design and implementation has been focused on monolithic, ever-larger and more complex single-chip implementation. This system-on-chip approach is now changing for a variety of reasons. The new frontier utilizes many chips assembled in new ways to deliver the required form-factor and performance.

Multi-die systems are paving the way for new types of semiconductor devices that fuel new products and new user experiences.

This Synopsys Industry Insight brings together a select group of keystone companies who are advancing multi-die systems. You’ll read the thoughts of senior executives from various levels of the technology stack. You’ll also hear from Synopsys’ CEO, its president and a panel of Synopsys technology experts. We’ll discuss our achievements, what lies ahead and how we are partnering with the industry to drive change.

Click here to read more.

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