HW/SW Security Mechanisms For Future Automotive Society

An introduction to the overall security architecture for the latest automotive semiconductor solutions and argument related to future technologies.


The demand of information security for automotive has substantially increased in recent years. The In-vehicle network is digitalized, and its connectivity is becoming very popular. Similar to the typical network security developed with the internet around 2000, the strong demand of cybersecurity within automotive is rapidly changing. Automotive hacking and theft caused by the flaw of security mechanisms or vulnerabilities are reported from the middle of the 2010s.

Nowadays, automobiles cannot be considered as just a transportation method. It should be treated as electronic devices (similar to laptop computers) and we need to take care that the information security is sufficiently guaranteed. A laptop computer only has one CPU, one vehicle contains about 50-100 ECUs (Electronic Control Units). Furthermore, the total number of ECUs is expected to increase with technological advances like full self-driving system. In many cases, ECU controls a specific safety related function such as powertrain or ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems), and these communications must be secure to defend against malicious attacks. Based on the above background, various information security technologies are requested for the semiconductor solutions in the automotive industry

In this white paper, we introduce overall security architecture for the latest automotive semiconductor solutions and argument related to future technologies. We explain what security mechanism is provided in which component, and how to protect the security for each module.

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