Implementation Challenges And Solutions Of Low-Power, High-Performance Memory Systems

Key factors driving new requirements in mobile memory system design.


Mobile devices and their demand for rapid innovation have fundamentally and forever changed the semiconductor industry. These devices have fueled tremendous innovation in the last few years to bring about drastic improvements in performance, power and cost efficiency. They also demand condensed product development cycles which accelerate the rate and need for innovation. The only thing that has remained the same is our industry’s ability to drive innovation, meet new technical challenges and develop new processes and technologies.
This is the first of a two-part whitepaper that examines the key factors that are driving new requirements in mobile memory system design and analysis.Trends include:

    • Memory speed rising rapidly to keep pace with processor performance
    • Energy consumed per bit of transmission decreasing proportionally
    • Limited footprint forcing adoption of package-on-package and other package-level integration technology
    • Commoditization pushing growth from the high to the lower end of the market

When translated into electrical requirements, the trends in mobile memory pose tremendous challenges in signal and power integrity for SoC and system developers.

To read more, click here.

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