Load-Pull Analysis For Optimizing PA Performance

In load pull calculations, power amplifiers are going to need harmonic load pull analysis and load pull contours with wideband electromagnetic tuners.


In load pull calculations, power amplifiers are going to need harmonic load pull analysis and load pull contours with wideband electromagnetic tuners.

Working with RFIC power amplifiers is difficult for the myriad of concurrent design elements that they affect, transmission line voltage, signal interference, and impedance to name a few. In load pull calculations, power amplifiers are going to need harmonic load pull analysis and load pull contours with wideband electromagnetic tuners. Use RF and microwave system design tools to ensure your calculations, constraints, and design environments are optimized for these design necessities.

This white paper will go over:

  • Load-Pull Analysis Examples.
  • Load-Pull Simulation of Wideband High-Efficiency PAs
  • Enhanced Load-Pull Measurements for Base station PAs
  • Synchronized Source/Load-Pull Analysis

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