Determining the ability of verification methodologies to find the last bugs.
I am often asked the question “When is the processor verification done?” or in other words “how do I measure the efficiency of my testbench and how can I be confident in the quality of the verification?” There is no easy answer. There are several common indicators used in the industry such as coverage and bug curve. While they are absolutely necessary, these are not enough to reach the highest possible quality. Indeed, such indicators do not really unveil the ability of verification methodologies to find the last bugs. With experience, I learned that measuring the complexity of processor bugs is an excellent indicator to use throughout the development of the project.
Experience taught me that we can define the complexity of a bug by counting the number of independent events or conditions that are required to hit the bug.
Let’s take a simple example. A typical bug is found in the caches, when a required hazard is missing. Data corruption can occur when:
External memory returns the previous data because the most recent data from the eviction got lost, causing data corruption.
In this example, 4 events – or conditions – are required to hit the bug. These 4 events give the bug a score of 4, or in other words a complexity of 4.
To measure the complexity of a bug, we can come up with a classification that will be used by the entire processor verification team. In a previous blog post, we discussed 4 types of bugs and explained how we use these categories to improve the quality of our testbench and verification. Let’s go one step further and combine this method with bug complexity.
An easy bug can require between 1 and 3 events to be triggered. The first simple test fails. A corner case is going to need 4 or more events.
Going back to our example above, we have a bug with a score of 4. If one of the four conditions is not present, then the bug is not hit.
A constrained random testbench will need several features to be able to hit the example above. The sequence of addresses should be smart enough to reuse previous addresses from previous requests, delays on external buses should be sufficiently atypical to have fast Reads and slow-enough Writes.
A hidden case will need even more events. Perhaps a more subtle bug has the same conditions as our example, but it only happens when an ECC error is discovered on the cache, at the exact same time as an interrupt happens, and only when the core finishes an FPU operation that results in a divide-by-zero error. With typical random testbenches, the probability to have all these conditions together is extremely low, making it a “hidden” bug.
Making these hidden bugs more reachable in the testbench is improving the quality of verification. It consists in making hidden cases become corner cases.
This classification does not have any limit. Experience has shown me that a testbench capable of finding bugs with a score of 8 or 9 is a strong simulation testbench and is key to delivering quality RTL. From what I have seen, today the most advanced simulation testbenches can find bugs with a complexity level up to 10. Fortunately, the use of formal verification makes it much easier to find bugs that have an even higher complexity, paving the way to even better design, and giving clues about what to improve in simulation.
This classification and methodology is useful only if it is used from the moment verification starts and throughout the project development, for 2 reasons:
Finally, by combining this approach with our methodology that consists of hunting bugs flying in squadrons, we ensure high-level quality verification that helps us be confident that we are going beyond verification sign-off criteria.
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