Systems & Design

Microstrip Antenna Design

This e-book explores microstrip antenna design, highlighting the single-element rectangular microstrip antenna and antenna arrays constructed from single microstrip elements.


A significant performance element in communication and radar systems, as well as wireless devices, is the antenna, which may be defined as a transducer between a guided electromagnetic (EM) wave propagating along a transmission line, and an EM wave propagating in an unbounded medium (usually free space) or vice-versa.1 The antenna is required to transmit or receive EM energy with directional and polarization properties suitable for the intended application. This eBook explores the radiation properties of rectangular microstrip antennas; specifically, the radiation method, coupling of the feed structure to the microstrip radiating element – or elements in the case of array structures – and the simple transmission line model utilized for design and performance estimates. In Part 1, the single element, rectangular microstrip antenna is explored. Part 2 examines the properties of antenna arrays constructed from the ensemble of single microstrip elements. 

The material presented in this eBook comes from a technical tutorial written by Kenneth Puglia, principal at E x H Consulting Services, a company specializing in radar sensor systems, frequency synthesis, and frequency conversion. Kenneth is a former fellow of technology at M/A COM and a design engineer at Radio Corporation of America (RCA). He holds a BSEE from the University of Massachusetts and an MSEE from Northeastern University. 

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