
Models for Both Strained and Unstrained GAA FETs Using Neural Networks


A new technical paper titled “Impact of Strain on Sub-3 nm Gate-all-Around CMOS Logic Circuit Performance Using a Neural Compact Modeling Approach” was published by researchers at Hanyang University and Alsemy Inc.

“Impact of strain of sub-3 nm gate-all-around (GAA) CMOS transistors on the circuit performance is evaluated using a neural compact model. The model was trained using 3D technology computer-aided design (TCAD) device simulation data of GAA field-effect transistors (FETs) subjected to both tensile and compressive strain in nMOS and pMOS devices. Strain was induced into the channel via lattice mismatch between the channel and source/drain epitaxial regions, as simulated by 3D TCAD process simulator. The transport models were calibrated against advanced Monte Carlo simulations to ensure accuracy. The resulting neural compact model demonstrated a close approximation to the original simulation results, achieving a minimal error of 1%. To assess the strain effect on circuit-level performance, SPICE simulations were conducted for a 5-stage ring oscillator and a 2-input NAND gate using the neural compact model. The propagation delay of the 5-stage ring oscillator improved from 3.60 ps to 2.85 ps when implementing strained GAA FETs. Also, strain enhanced the power-delay product of the 2-input NAND gate by 13.8% to 15.5%, depending on the input voltage sequence.”

Find the technical paper here. Published September 2024.

J. H. Lee, K. Kim, K. Rim, S. Chong, H. Cho and S. Oh, “Impact of Strain on Sub-3 nm Gate-all-Around CMOS Logic Circuit Performance Using a Neural Compact Modeling Approach,” in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, doi: 10.1109/JEDS.2024.3459872.

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