
Recent Advances and Challenges in Processing-in-DRAM (ETH Zurich)


A new technical paper titled “Memory-Centric Computing: Recent Advances in Processing-in-DRAM” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich.


“Memory-centric computing aims to enable computation capability in and near all places where data is generated and stored. As such, it can greatly reduce the large negative performance and energy impact of data access and data movement, by 1) fundamentally avoiding data movement, 2) reducing data access latency & energy, and 3) exploiting large parallelism of memory arrays. Many recent studies show that memory-centric computing can largely improve system performance & energy efficiency. Major industrial vendors and startup companies have recently introduced memory chips with sophisticated computation capabilities. Going forward, both hardware and software stack should be revisited and designed carefully to take advantage of memory-centric computing.

This work describes several major recent advances in memory-centric computing, specifically in Processing-in-DRAM, a paradigm where the operational characteristics of a DRAM chip are exploited and enhanced to perform computation on data stored in DRAM. Specifically, we describe 1) new techniques that slightly modify DRAM chips to enable both enhanced computation capability and easier programmability, 2) new experimental studies that demonstrate the functionally-complete bulk-bitwise computational capability of real commercial off-the-shelf DRAM chips, without any modifications to the DRAM chip or the interface, and 3) new DRAM designs that improve access granularity & efficiency, unleashing the true potential of Processing-in-DRAM.”

Find the technical paper here. December 2024.

Mutlu, Onur, Ataberk Olgun, Geraldo F. Oliveira, and Ismail Emir Yuksel. “Memory-Centric Computing: Recent Advances in Processing-in-DRAM.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.19275 (2024).

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