
Simulating the Groundstate and Dynamics of Quantum Critical Systems


A new technical paper titled “Simulating groundstate and dynamical quantum phase transitions on a superconducting quantum computer” was published by researchers at London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, University of Massachusetts, and Google Quantum AI.

Abstract (partial)
“The phenomena of quantum criticality underlie many novel collective phenomena found in condensed matter systems. They present a challenge for classical and quantum simulation, in part because of diverging correlation lengths and consequently strong finite-size effects. Tensor network techniques that work directly in the thermodynamic limit can negotiate some of these difficulties. Here, we optimise a translationally invariant, sequential quantum circuit on a superconducting quantum device to simulate the groundstate of the quantum Ising model through its quantum critical point. We further demonstrate how the dynamical quantum critical point found in quenches of this model across its quantum critical point can be simulated.”

Find the technical paper here. Published Oct. 2022.

Dborin, J., Wimalaweera, V., Barratt, F. et al. Simulating groundstate and dynamical quantum phase transitions on a superconducting quantum computer. Nat Commun 13, 5977 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33737-4. Rights & permissions here.

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