
Stabilizing A Hafnium Oxide-Based Thin Film When Sandwiched Between A Metal Substrate And An Electrode


A technical paper titled “Origin of Ferroelectric Phase Stabilization via the Clamping Effect in Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films” was published by researchers at University of Virginia, Brown University, Sandia National Labs, and Oak Ridge National Lab. Funding was given by U.S. DOE’s 3D Ferroelectric Microelectronics Energy Frontier Research Center and the SRC.

“This study provides a mechanistic understanding of the clamping effect and orthorhombic phase formation in ferroelectric hafnium oxide-based thin films, which informs the future design of these materials to maximize ferroelectric phase purity and corresponding polarization behavior,” states the paper.

Find the technical paper here and the University of Virginia writeup here. Published August 2022.

Fields, S. S., Cai, T., Jaszewski, S. T., Salanova, A., Mimura, T., Heinrich, H. H., Henry, M. D., Kelley, K. P., Sheldon, B. W., Ihlefeld, J. F., Origin of Ferroelectric Phase Stabilization via the Clamping Effect in Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2022, 2200601. https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202200601.

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