Suppressing Stochastic Interaction To Improve EUV Lithography

A proposal for minimizing the stochastic interaction between resist and substrate.


Authors Zhimin Zhu Sr., Joyce Lowes, Shawn Ye, Zhiqiang Fan, and Tim Limmer of Brewer Science, Inc. (United States) used Stochastic Area Thickness (SAT) and Dynamic Stochastic Area Thickness (DSAT) to evaluate the stochastic interactions. High optical foot exposure is proposed instead of conventional low substrate reflectivity to reduce SAT. Adhesion control by acid/quencher loading is proposed to minimize the stochastic interaction between resist and substrate.

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Zhimin Zhu Sr.Joyce LowesShawn YeZhiqiang Fan, and Tim Limmer “Suppressing stochastic interaction to improve EUV lithography”, Proc. SPIE 12055, Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXIX, 120550P (25 May 2022);

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