Room-Temperature Metal Bonding Technology That Facilitates The Fabrication of 3D-ICs & 3D Integration With Heterogeneous Devices

A technical paper titled "Room-Temperature Direct Cu Semi-Additive Plating (SAP) Bonding for Chip-on-Wafer 3D Heterogenous Integration With μLED" was published by researchers at Tohoku University in Japan. Abstract: "This letter describes a direct Cu bonding technology to there-dimensionally integrate heterogeneous dielets based on a chip-on-wafer configuration. 100- μm -cubed blue μ LED... » read more

Improving Performance And Power With HBM3

HBM3 swings open the door to significantly faster data movement between memory and processors, reducing the power it takes to send and receive signals and boosting the performance of systems where high data throughput is required. But using this memory is expensive and complicated, and that likely will continue to be the case in the short term. High Bandwidth Memory 3 (HBM3) is the most rece... » read more

What Does 2023 Have In Store For Chip Design?

Predictions seem to be easier to make during times of stability, but they are no more correct than at any other period. During more turbulent times, fewer people are courageous enough to allow their opinions to be heard. And yet it is often those views that are more well thought through, and even if they turn out not to be true, they often contain some very enlightening ideas. 2022 saw some ... » read more

Adapting To Broad Shifts Essential In 2022

Change creates opportunity, but not every company is able to respond quickly enough to take advantage of those opportunities. Others may respond too quickly, before they properly understand the implications. At the start of a typical year, optimism is in plentiful supply. Any positive trend is seen as continuing, and any negative is seen as turning around. Normally the later in the year that... » read more

3D-IC Reliability Degrades With Increasing Temperature

The reliability of 3D-IC designs is dependent upon the ability of engineering teams to control heat, which can significantly degrade performance and accelerate circuit aging. While heat has been problematic in semiconductor design since at least 28nm, it is much more challenging to deal with inside a 3D package, where electromigration can spread to multiple chips on multiple levels. “Be... » read more

Ready, Set, Go: Outrunning Moore’s Law With 3D-IC

By Anthony Mastroianni and Gordon Allan, Siemens EDA 3D ICs are an exciting and promising extension of heterogeneous advanced package technology into the third dimension. Although far from mainstream, 3D IC’s time is coming, as chiplet standardization efforts and supporting tool developments begin to make 3D IC practicable and profitable to more players – big and small – and products w... » read more

The Computational Electromagnetics Simulation Challenge Of 3D-IC

By Kelly Damalou and Matt Commens Innovation in semiconductor design today is energized primarily by AI/ML, data centers, autonomous and electric vehicles, 5G/6G, and IoT. Recently developed 2.5 and 3D-IC silicon-based packaging technologies have advanced the state of the art beyond SoC technologies which first united digital, analog, and memory functions on a single chip in the '90s. These ... » read more

Is UCIe Really Universal?

Chiplets are rapidly becoming the means to overcome the slowing of Moore's Law, but whether one interface is capable of joining them all together isn't clear yet. The Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) believes it will work, but some in the industry remain unconvinced. At least part of the problem is that interconnect standards are never truly finished. Even today, the protocols tha... » read more

On-Chip Power Distribution Modeling Becomes Essential Below 7nm

Modeling power distribution in SoCs is becoming increasingly important at each new node and in 3D-ICs, where tolerances involving power are much tighter and any mistake can cause functional failures. At mature nodes, where there is more metal, power problems continue to be rare. But at advanced nodes, where chips are running at higher frequencies and still consuming the same or greater power... » read more

Solving Thermal Coupling Issues In Complex Chips

Rising chip and packaging complexity is causing a proportionate increase in thermal couplings, which can reduce performance, shorten the lifespan of chips, and impact overall reliability of chips and systems. Thermal coupling is essentially a junction between two devices, such as a chip and a package, or a transistor and a substrate, in which heat is transferred from one to the other. If not... » read more

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