See The Future of IoT: Planning For Success With Smart Vision

Computer vision devices that can ‘see’ and act on visual information are bringing new efficiencies and functionalities to IoT. But with new opportunities come complexities. The specific features and functionality of smart vision use cases vary widely. Creating a system that catches defects on an assembly line requires different imaging, machine learning, and workloads compared to one ... » read more

Blog Review: Jan. 3

Siemens' Stephen Ferguson looks at the history of computer aided engineering through the lens of how humans interact with computers, with each development enabling a step change in engineering productivity, and the new era on the horizon. Cadence's Krunal Patel finds that the security of data transmission can be improved by integrating Ethernet with Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), which ... » read more

Dramatic Changes Ahead For Chips And Systems

Early this year, most people had never heard of generative AI. Now the entire world is racing to capitalize on it, and that's just the beginning. New markets, such as spatial computing, quantum computing, 6G, smart infrastructure, sustainability, and many more are accelerating the need to process more data faster, more efficiently, and with much more domain specificity. Compared to the days ... » read more

2023: A Good Year For Semiconductors

Looking back, 2023 has had more than its fair share of surprises, but who were the winners and losers? The good news is that by the end of the year, almost everyone was happy. That is not how we exited 2022, where there was overcapacity, inventories had built up in many parts of the industry, and few sectors — apart from data centers — were seeing much growth. The supposed new leaders we... » read more

Blog Review: Dec. 20

Siemens' Huw Geddes finds that the flexibility offered by the RISC-V ISA can introduce further verification and validation requirements to ensure that the combination of extensions and customization not just works but does not break anything else while delivering expected performance, plus looks at how processor trace can help. Cadence's Gustavo Araujo explains the various optimizations in t... » read more

Proprietary Vs. Commercial Chiplets

Large chipmakers are focusing on chiplets as the best path forward for integrating more functions into electronic devices. The challenge now is how to pull the rest of the chip industry along, creating a marketplace for third-party chiplets that can be chosen from a menu using specific criteria that can speed time to market, help to control costs, and behave as reliably as chiplets developed in... » read more

Data Formats For Inference On The Edge

AI/ML training traditionally has been performed using floating point data formats, primarily because that is what was available. But this usually isn't a viable option for inference on the edge, where more compact data formats are needed to reduce area and power. Compact data formats use less space, which is important in edge devices, but the bigger concern is the power needed to move around... » read more

Arm Statistical Profiling Extension: Performance Analysis Methodology

This paper presents a methodology for workload characterization and root cause analysis using the Arm Statistical Profiling Extension (SPE) demonstrated on a Neoverse N1 core. The target audience are software developers and performance analysts in software development, analysis, optimization, and tuning. This paper may also help silicon engineers to conduct performance analysis and debugging. T... » read more

Blog Review: December 13

Synopsys' Charles Dittmer discusses key and emerging use cases for Bluetooth Low Energy and how combining BLE with other wireless protocols can open new avenues of functionality for application areas including automotive, hearables, and retail. Cadence's Neelabh Singh points out changes in the terminologies describing USB4 links and shows the various possible link configurations put forth by... » read more

Security Becoming Core Part Of Chip Design — Finally

Security is shifting both left and right in the design flow as chipmakers wrestle with how to build devices that are both secure by design and resilient enough to remain secure throughout their lifetimes. As increasingly complex devices are connected to the internet and to each other, IP vendors, chipmakers, and systems companies are racing to address existing and potential threats across a ... » read more

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