The Final Days…Getting To Sign-Off Faster With Calibre

With deadlines looming, the design flow between router output and final tape release can be stressful and frustrating. By combining a focused set of commands into macros, the Calibre YieldEnhancer tool enables designers to create customized, automated flows for engineering change order (ECO) filling, passive device insertion, custom fill to increase densities, jog removal, and via enhancements.... » read more

Crossing The Chasm: Uniting SoC And Package Verification

Wafer-level packaging enables higher form factor and improved performance compared to traditional SoC designs. However, to ensure an acceptable yield and performance, EDA companies, OSAT companies, and foundries must collaborate to establish consistent and unified automated WLP design and physical verification flows, while introducing minimum disruption to already-existing package design flows.... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Legal Synopsys filed suit against Ubiquiti Networks and its project leader for "circumventing technological measures that effectively control access to Synopsys' software." The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in San Jose, claims that Ubiquiti used counterfeit keys obtained or created with tools from hacker websites to circumvent Synopsys' License Key system. Ubiquiti, based in San Jose, d... » read more

ASIL D Requires Precision

It seems the entire world is abuzz with the excitement surround autonomous driving, and while more driver assist features are added to new vehicles all the time, this is tempered by the fact that there is still much work to be done when it comes to safety. For developers across the automotive ecosystem, safety comes down to the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) risk classification sch... » read more

Why Auto Designs Take So Long

Designing chips for the automotive market is adding significant overhead, particularly for chips with stringent safety requirements. On the verification side it could result in an additional 6 to 12 months of work. On the design side, developing the same processor in the mobile market would take 6 fewer man months. And when it comes to complex electronic control units (ECUs) or [getkc id="81... » read more

Big Data On Wheels

By Jeff Dorsch & Ed Sperling All kinds of chips are going into driver-assisted and autonomous cars. On one side are arrays of sensors, which are generating huge amounts of data about everything from lane position and proximity to other cars to unexpected objects in the road. On the other side are the chips required to process that data at blazing speed. As the market for PCs and mobil... » read more

7 Design Aspects of IoT PCB Designs

To consumers, IoT devices look sleek and simple, but they are comprised of a distinct set of components, physical interfaces, PCBs, and circuitry that presents unique design and layout challenges. This paper looks at seven things to consider when designing PCBs for successful IoT devices. To read more, click here. » read more

Dealing With Unintended Behavior

Functional verification was already tough enough, but having to identify behaviors that were never defined or intended opens up the search space beyond what existing tools are capable of handling. However, while you may not be able to eliminate unintended behaviors, a design team is not helpless. There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of these problems getting int... » read more

Defining The Edge Of IoT

“Life on the edge of IoT is where creativity knows no bounds.” Brian Derrick, Vice President Corporate Marketing and General Manager, Mentor Graphics. We are living in a remarkable time for electronic product design and development. In his blog post, Brian Derrick explores how the race to create the latest smartphones results in the availability of advanced, low-cost sensors, which has... » read more

Blog Review: March 1

In a video, Mentor's Wally Rhines discusses the evolution of test methodologies and the forces that will change test priorities. Cadence's Priya Balasubramanian explores memory trends in data servers driven by the Internet's massive need for bandwidth. Synopsys' Aadil Trikha presents a primer on the types of AMBA ACE barrier transactions. ARM's Simon Segars examines the state of IoT de... » read more

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