Predictions For 2016: Markets

Seventeen companies sent in their predictions for this year with some of them sending predictions from several people. This is in addition to the CEO predictions that were recently published. That is a fine crop of views for the coming year, especially since they know that they will be held accountable for their views and this year, just like the last, they will have to answer for them. We beli... » read more

Transistor-Level Verification Returns

A few decades ago, all designers did transistor-level verification, but they were quite happy to say goodbye to it when standard cells provided isolation at the gate-level and libraries provided all of the detailed information required, such as timing. A few dedicated people continued to use the technology to provide those models and libraries and the most aggressive designs that wanted to stri... » read more

Developing Effective Design Strategies For Today’s Wearable Devices: Power Management

As the next wave of wearable devices expands into a new class of revolutionary and innovative products, there will be a growing importance placed on the real-time operating system (RTOS) and corresponding middleware. Wearable System-on-Chip (SoC) processors require an operating system optimized for size and performance with power-efficient wireless connectivity options needed for machine-to-mac... » read more

Blog Review: Jan. 13

Is it time for one of the Seven Wonders to return? In this week's top engineering and tech picks, Ansys' Justin Nescott highlights a project to rebuild the Colossus of Rhodes. Plus, new tech for cars and a hoodie for taking naps. From CES, Rambus' Aharon Etengoff expands on a talk about intelligent transportation systems and the need to balance technology which could help reduce accidents wi... » read more

The Week In Review: Design/IoT

EDA & IP EDA revenues increased 7.1% for Q3 2015, according to the EDA Consortium, upping the number to $1957.5 million, compared to $1828.1 million in Q3 2014. The four-quarters moving average also jumped by 8.8%. IC Physical Design & Verification saw the biggest gains, with a 14% increase compared to Q3 2014 and $407.9 million in revenue for the quarter. IP was runner up, with $652... » read more

Sensors Enable ADAS

Under the hood, cars of today look nothing like those of a few decades ago. There are sophisticated safety and drivetrain monitoring features, software for interpreting and interacting with the outside world and modifying the inside environment, and a host of features that might have seemed impossible or even ridiculous in the past. And there's much more to come. Advanced driver assistance s... » read more

Keeping The Lights On

IoT is comprised of numerous industries. For the sake of analysis, these can be segmented into several tiers that function as independent networks or integrated complicated meshes. In my November post I examined the three-tier IoT architecture at a high level. Then last month I focused on the rapidly expanding market of intelligent gateways. Gateways receive information from cloud applicatio... » read more

Securing Modern-day Devices With Embedded Virtualization And ARM TrustZone Technology

When securing today’s modern devices, it’s not enough to know the type of device you want to secure. Equally important is the process used to develop that device. In this paper, we’ll take a closer look at security as it relates to protecting data, building security into a device, and securing SoCs in multicore architectures. ARM TrustZone technology, which provides a solution for carving... » read more

Interference In The Car

Once again, a paradigm shift is upon us. Mobile connectivity has radically changed the automobile’s place in the world of connected everything. And that paradigm will shift even further once the IoE is in full bloom. As all of this unfolds and technology marches on, some see the connectivity of the automobile as being a better and more powerful alternative to the smartphone. It is touted a... » read more

EDA, IP Numbers Strong

EDA and IP sales were 7.1% in Q3 across all major segments and all geographical regions, increasing to $1.957 billion compared with $1.828 billion in the same period in 2014, according to just-released numbers from the EDA Consortium. The four-quarter moving average was up 8.8%. "This was an excellent quarter for EDA," said Wally Rhines, board sponsor for the EDA Consortium's Market Statisti... » read more

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