Changes And Challenges In Auto MCUs

Microcontrollers have been a key component in automotive for years, starting with single-core devices with limited on-chip memory for very basic functions, and evolving toward multi-core systems with more memory for more complex tasks. But as vehicles become increasingly automated, microcontrollers are changing significantly, and so is the perception of how to utilize them. These new devices ne... » read more

Blog Review: Mar. 13

Cadence's Geeta Arora explains the Address Translation Service in PCIe 6.0, which allows an I/O device to perform its own virtual to physical address translations without relying on the host's CPU to reduce latency and improve overall system performance. Synopsys' John Swanson, Jon Ames, Priyank Shukla, and Varun Agrawal highlight the upcoming 1.6T iteration of the Ethernet standard and the ... » read more

Security Is Critical For Commercial Chiplets

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the security issues and requirements in commercial chiplet ecosystem, with Frank Schirrmeister, vice president solutions and business development at Arteris; Mayank Bhatnagar, product marketing director in the Silicon Solutions Group at Cadence; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera; Stephen Slater, EDA prod... » read more

Simulation With Taint Propagation For Security Verification

Security has arisen as a primary concern for many types of electronic devices. A wide range of malicious agents is constantly probing and looking for weaknesses to try to steal confidential information or exert unauthorized control. The need for security has been well understood and widely adopted in software for years. Techniques such as passwords, multi-factor authentication, and biometric ch... » read more

Silent Data Corruption Considerations For Advanced Node Designs

Ensuring reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) has long been an important consideration for many types of electronic systems, with major implications for chip design. Clearly, military hardware must be very reliable, and servers and automotive systems are also expected to be available constantly. Some amount of failure is inevitable, so being able to repair, avoid, or mitigate fau... » read more

DTCO/STCO Create Path For Faster Yield Ramps

Higher density in planar SoCs and advanced packages, coupled with more complex interactions and dependencies between various components, are permitting systematic defects to escape traditional detection methods. These issues increasingly are not detected until the chips reach high-volume manufacturing, slowing the yield ramp and bumping up costs. To combat these problems, IDMs and systems co... » read more

Strategies For Detecting Sources Of Silent Data Corruption

Engineering teams are wrestling with how to identify the root causes of silent data corruption (SDC) in a timely and cost-effective way, but the solutions are turning out to be broader and more complex than simply fixing a single defect. This is particularly vexing for data center reliability, accessibility and serviceability (RAS) engineering teams, because even the best tools and methodolo... » read more

Overcoming The Challenges Of Verifying Multi-Die Systems

Despite clear advantages of multi-die systems, the decision to design a multi-die system rather than a traditional monolithic SoC is not easy. There are numerous new challenges that stand in the way of multi-die system realization. This white paper focuses on the verification challenges of multi-die systems, including: Addressing capacity and performance for system verification Valid... » read more

Increased Automotive Data Use Raises Privacy, Security Concerns

The amount of data being collected, processed, and stored in vehicles is exploding, and so is the value of that data. That raises questions that are still not fully answered about how that data will be used, by whom, and how it will be secured. Automakers are competing based on the latest versions of advanced technologies such as ADAS, 5G, and V2X, but the ECUs, software-defined vehicles, an... » read more

Securing DRAM Against Evolving Rowhammer Threats

Advanced process nodes and higher silicon densities are heightening DRAM's susceptibility to Rowhammer attacks, as reduced cell spacing significantly decreases the hammer count needed for bit flips. Rowhammer exploits DRAM’s single-capacitor-per-bit design to trigger bit flips in adjacent cells through repeated memory row accesses. This vulnerability allows attackers to manipulate data, re... » read more

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