Adapting To Evolving IC Requirements

As chip designs become increasingly heterogeneous and domain-specific, packing a device with one-size-fits-all chips or chiplets doesn't make sense. The key is rightsizing different components based on real workloads, so they don't waste power when there is too little utilization of logic, and so they don't struggle to complete tasks because they are undersized. Jayson Bethurem, vice president ... » read more

Overlay Optimization In Advanced IC Substrates

Overlay is becoming a significant problem in the manufacturing of semiconductors, especially in the world of advanced packaging substrates — think panels — the larger the area, the greater the potential for distortion due to warpage. Solving this issue requires more accurate models, better communication through feed forward/feed back throughout the flow, and real-time analytics that are bak... » read more

Reduce 3D-IC Design Complexity: Early Package Assembly Verification

Uncover the unique challenges, along with the latest Calibre verification solutions, for 3D-IC design in this new technical paper. As 2.5D and 3D-ICs redefine the possibilities of semiconductor design, discover how Siemens is leading the way in verifying complex multi-dimensional systems, while shifting verification left to do so earlier in the design process. What you'll learn: Overcom... » read more

Electromigration Concerns Grow In Advanced Packages

The incessant demand for more speed in chips requires forcing more energy through ever-smaller devices, increasing current density and threatening long-term chip reliability. While this problem is well understood, it's becoming more difficult to contain in leading-edge designs. Of particular concern is electromigration, which is becoming more troublesome in advanced packages with multiple ch... » read more

Powering The Automotive Revolution: Advanced Packaging For Next-Generation Vehicle Computing

Automotive processors are rapidly adopting advanced process nodes. NXP announced the development of 5 nm automotive processors in 2020 [1], Mobileye announced EyeQ Ultra using 5 nm technology during CES 2022 [2], and TSMC announced its “Auto Early” 3 nm processes in 2023 [3]. In the past, the automotive industry was slow to adopt the latest semiconductor technologies due to reliability conc... » read more

Advanced Packaging Design For Heterogeneous Integration

As device scaling slows down, a key system functional integration technology is emerging: heterogeneous integration (HI). It leverages advanced packaging technology to achieve higher functional density and lower cost per function. With the continuous development of major semiconductor applications such as AI HPC, edge AI and autonomous electrical vehicles, traditional chips are transforming i... » read more

The Challenges Of Working With Photonics

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about where photonics is most useful — and most vulnerable — with James Pond, fellow at Ansys; Gilles Lamant, distinguished engineer at Cadence; and Mitch Heins, business development manager for photonic solutions at Synopsys. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. To view part one of this discussion, click here. ... » read more

What’s Missing In 2.5D EDA Tools

Gaps in EDA tool chains for 2.5D designs are limiting the adoption of this advanced packaging approach, which so far has been largely confined to high-performance computing. But as the rest of the chip industry begins migrating toward advanced packaging and chiplets, the EDA industry is starting to change direction. There are learning periods with all new technologies, and 2.5D advanced pack... » read more

3D-IC Intensifies Demand For Multi-Physics Simulation

The introduction of full 3D-ICs will require a simultaneous analysis of various physical effects under different workloads, a step-function change that will add complexity at every step of the design flow, expand and alter job responsibilities, and bring together the analog and digital design worlds in unprecedented ways. 3D-ICs will be the highest-performance advanced packaging option, in s... » read more

The Rising Price Of Power In Chips

Power is everything when it comes to processing and storing data, and much of it isn't good. Power-related issues, particularly heat, dominate chip and system designs today, and those issues are widening and multiplying. Transistor density has reached a point where these tiny digital switches are generating more heat than can be removed through traditional means. That may sound manageable e... » read more

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