Week In Review: Semiconductor Manufacturing, Test

Chips for consumer devices are down, but the overall chip industry is actively preparing for the next phase of growth. Worldwide silicon wafer shipments, which are an aggregate view of all the various semiconductor segments, hit an all-time high in 2022, increasing 4% to 14,713 million square inches (MSI). Wafer revenue, meanwhile, rose 9.5% to $13.8 billion over the same period, SEMI reported ... » read more

Disaggregating And Extending Operating Systems

The push toward disaggregation and customization in hardware is starting to be mirrored on the software side, where operating systems are becoming smaller and more targeted, supplemented with additional software that can be optimized for different functions. There are two main causes for this shift. The first is rising demand for highly optimized and increasingly heterogeneous designs, which... » read more

Where And Why AI Makes Sense In Cars

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about where AI makes sense in automotive and what are the main challenges, with Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix; Veerbhan Kheterpal, CEO of Quadric; Steve Teig, CEO of Perceive; and Kurt Busch, CEO of Syntiant. What follows are excerpts of that conversation, which were held in front of a live audience at DesignCon. Part two of this... » read more

Improving PPA When Embedding FPGAs Into SoCs

Embedded FPGAs have been on everyone’s radar for years as a way of extending the life of chips developed at advanced nodes, but they typically have come with high performance and power overhead. That’s no longer the case, and the ability to control complex chips and keep them current with changes to algorithms and various protocols is significant step. Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks a... » read more

A New Year’s Wish

Every year I run a predictions article. It is a mashup of ideas from many people within the industry, and while many predictions are somewhat self-serving, there are other which come more from the heart — or perhaps they are dreams rather than expectations. I see hope in some of those, particularly the ones that look toward sustainability within our industry, and of our industry. Just like... » read more

What Does 2023 Have In Store For Chip Design?

Predictions seem to be easier to make during times of stability, but they are no more correct than at any other period. During more turbulent times, fewer people are courageous enough to allow their opinions to be heard. And yet it is often those views that are more well thought through, and even if they turn out not to be true, they often contain some very enlightening ideas. 2022 saw some ... » read more

Choosing The Correct High-Bandwidth Memory

The number of options for how to build high-performance chips is growing, but the choices for attached memory have barely budged. To achieve maximum performance in automotive, consumer, and hyperscale computing, the choices come down to one or more flavors of DRAM, and the biggest tradeoff is cost versus speed. DRAM remains an essential component in any of these architectures, despite years ... » read more

Research Bits: Jan. 24

Transistor-free compute-in-memory Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, Sandia National Laboratories, and Brookhaven National Laboratory propose a transistor-free compute-in-memory (CIM) architecture to overcome memory bottlenecks and reduce power consumption in AI workloads. "Even when used in a compute-in-memory architecture, transistors compromise the access time of data," sai... » read more

Supply Chain Collaboration Key To Making Chip Industry More Sustainable

Coming in the wake of the COP27, the Smart and Green Manufacturing Summit at SEMICON Europa 2022 (Munich, 15-17 November) had a timely focus on the semiconductor industry’s contribution to meeting the United Nations’ target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. However, in an industry as large and valuable as semiconductors, social as well as environmental imp... » read more

DeepGBASS: Deep Guided Boundary-Aware Semantic Segmentation

Image semantic segmentation is ubiquitously used in scene understanding applications, such as AI Camera, which require high accuracy and efficiency. Deep learning has significantly advanced the state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation. However, many of recent semantic segmentation works only consider class accuracy and ignore the accuracies at the boundaries between semantic classes. To improv... » read more

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