Smart Manufacturing And Advanced Technical Service

SEMI spoke with Eyal Shekel, senior vice president of Service Strategy and Excellence at Tokyo Electron Limited, about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on smart manufacturing and how other fab solutions for smarter process tools are advancing semiconductor manufacturing. SEMI: AI technology is considered a key enabler for smart manufacturing. What are the latest trends? Shekel:... » read more

Artificial Intelligence 101: It’s Math, Not Magic

The term artificial intelligence (AI) can be somewhat misleading. While the medium of intelligence is designed (and, in that sense, artificial or human-made), the intelligence itself is based on very real data. However, most people hear “AI” and think of futuristic robots or scenes from science fiction movies, not recognizing that the origin of AI is not fictional or magical — it’s math... » read more

Better, Faster, And More Efficient Verification With The Power Of AI

Verification is often the most challenging part of the chip development process. Verification engineers have to balance quality of results (QOR) with time to results (TTR) and cost of results (COR). AI and ML technologies can play a significant part in increasing QOR, speeding up TTR, and reducing COR. This white paper outlines some of the major challenges for verification, describes how AI pro... » read more

Challenges Mount In New Autos

Electronics are becoming the primary differentiator for carmakers, adding an array of options that can alter everything from how a vehicle's occupants interact with their surroundings to how the vehicle drives. But the infrastructure needed to support these features also raises a slew of technology and business questions for which there are no simple answers today. For example, how will new ... » read more

Learning How To Forget

There has been a lot of talk recently about the right to be forgotten, or data privacy rights. These require companies that hold data about us to remove it when properly requested. This might be data that was collected as we browse the Internet, or from online shopping. Or perhaps it's collected as we drive our cars past cameras, or GPS tracking of our cellphones, or many other ways – some of... » read more

Research Bits: Aug. 23

Algae-powered microprocessor Engineers from the University of Cambridge, Arm Research, Scottish Association for Marine Science, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology used a widespread species of blue-green algae to power an Arm Cortex M0+ microprocessor continuously for over a year. The algae, Synechocystis, is non-toxic and harvests energy from photosynthesis. The tiny electri... » read more

Chipmakers Model AI For Radio Access Networks

The chips that power and connect smartphones are now foundational to a disparate portfolio of daily tasks we take for granted, from accessing the internet to snapping a photo or asking Siri or Google if rain is in the forecast. Most people don’t think twice about the conflicting demands these tasks can place on semiconductors, but for engineers at leading chip manufacturers, this balancing ac... » read more

AI Power Consumption Exploding

Machine learning is on track to consume all the energy being supplied, a model that is costly, inefficient, and unsustainable. To a large extent, this is because the field is new, exciting, and rapidly growing. It is being designed to break new ground in terms of accuracy or capability. Today, that means bigger models and larger training sets, which require exponential increases in processin... » read more

New Uses For AI In Chips

Artificial intelligence is being deployed across a number of new applications, from improving performance and reducing power in a wide range of end devices to spotting irregularities in data movement for security reasons. While most people are familiar with using machine learning and deep learning to distinguish between cats and dogs, emerging applications show how this capability can be use... » read more

Where Are The Autonomous Cars?

Are we there yet? Governments, consumers, and engineers alike want to know how close the automotive world is to producing a fully autonomous Level 5 vehicle. While some experts say such vehicles could hit the road in the next few years, they're a shrinking minority. Most forecasts say a truly self-driving car is at least a decade away — and maybe much longer, because it requires disruptive... » read more

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