AI Roadmap: A human-centric approach to AI in aviation

Source: EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency February 2020 "EASA published its Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 1.0 which establishes the Agency’s initial vision on the safety and ethical dimensions of development of AI in the aviation domain. The AI Roadmap 1.0 is to be viewed as a starting point, intended to serve as a basis for discussion with the Agency’s stakeholders. It... » read more

High-Performance Memory For AI And HPC

Frank Ferro, senior director of product management at Rambus, examines the current performance bottlenecks in high-performance computing, drilling down into power and performance for different memory options, and explains what are the best solutions for different applications and why. » read more

Implementing Strong Security For AI/ML Accelerators

A number of critical security vulnerabilities affecting high-performance CPUs identified in recent years have rocked the semiconductor industry. These high-profile vulnerabilities inadvertently allowed malicious programs to access sensitive data such as passwords, secret keys and other secure assets. The real-world risks of silicon complexity The above-mentioned vulnerabilities are primaril... » read more

HBM2E and GDDR6: Memory Solutions for AI

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) growth proceeds at a lightning pace. In the past eight years, AI training capabilities have jumped by a factor of 300,000 driving rapid improvements in every aspect of computing hardware and software. Meanwhile, AI inference is being deployed across the network edge and in a broad spectrum of IoT devices including in automotive/ADAS. Training and... » read more

Startup Funding: February 2020

AI drew the biggest investments last month, with two AI hardware companies and one autonomous driving software startup pulling in nine-figure sums. Investors also pumped money into semiconductor manufacturing and test equipment, notably around EUV lithography and advanced packaging. AI Hardware SambaNova Systems received $250M in Series C funding for its software-defined hardware for AI, le... » read more

Chip Design Is Getting Squishy

So many variables, uncertainties and new approaches are in play today across the chip industry today that previous rules are looking rather dated. In the past, a handful of large companies or organizations set the rules for the industry and established an industry roadmap. No such roadmap exists today. And while there are efforts underway to create new roadmaps for different industries, inte... » read more

An Increasingly Complicated Relationship With Memory

The relationship between a processor and its memory used to be quite simple, but in modern SoCs there are multiple heterogeneous processors and accelerators, each needing a different means of accessing memory for maximum efficiency. Compromises are being made in order to preserve the unified programming model of the past, but the pressures are increasing for some fundamental changes. It does... » read more

The Challenges Of Building Inferencing Chips

Putting a trained algorithm to work in the field is creating a frenzy of activity across the chip world, spurring designs that range from purpose-built specialty processors and accelerators to more generalized extensions of existing and silicon-proven technologies. What's clear so far is that no single chip architecture has been deemed the go-to solution for inferencing. Machine learning is ... » read more

The Cost Of Programmability

Nothing comes for free, and that is certainly true for the programmable elements in an SoC. But without them we are left with very specific devices that can only be used for one fixed application and cannot be updated. Few complex devices are created that do not have many layers of programmability, but the sizing of those capabilities is becoming more important than in the past. There are... » read more

Understanding SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)

Amol Borkar, senior product manager for AI and computer vision at Cadence, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about mapping and tracking the movement of an object in a scene, how to identify key corners in a frame, how probabilities of accuracy fit into the picture, how noise can affect that, and how to improve the performance and reduce power in these systems. » read more

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