Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Automotive and mobility U.S. President Joe Biden announced the approval of $900 million in funding for a nationwide network of electrical vehicle charging stations in 35 states. The money is part of a multi-year, $7.5 billion plan to create 500,000 charging stations along federal highways. Industry executives told Reuters that remote human supervisors may be a permanent fixture of highly au... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

The great EV ramp EV-related developments are everywhere. California’s move to ban sales of new internal-combustion vehicles by 2035, and the U.S. government’s sweeping embrace of clean-energy, are in lockstep with recent moves by the auto industry and related supply chains, as well as cutting-edge research. One of the big breakthroughs is the ability to charge an EV in 10 minutes witho... » read more

Top Tech Videos Of 2020

2020 shaped up to be a year of major upheaval, emerging markets and even increased demand in certain sectors. So it's not surprising that videos focusing on AI, balancing power and performance, designing and manufacturing at advanced nodes, advanced packaging, and automotive-related subjects were the most popular. Of the 68 videos published this year, the following were the most viewed in ea... » read more

CodaCache: Helping to Break the Memory Wall

As artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous vehicle systems have grown in complexity, system performance needs have begun to conflict with latency and power consumption requirements. This dilemma is forcing semiconductor engineers to re-architect their system-on-chip (SoC) designs to provide more scalable levels of performance, flexibility, efficiency, and integration. From the edge to data ... » read more

Using Synopsys Z01X To Accelerate The Fault Injection Campaign Of A Fully Configurable IP

By Arteris IP Alexis Boutillier, Corporate Application Manager, Safety Manager, and Mohan Krishnareddy, Solution Engineer, at the Synopsys Users Group (SNUG), March 2018, Santa Clara, CA. Principles and real-world practices of ISO 26262 for semiconductor design teams. After providing an overview of how functional safety affects management, development, and supporting processes, the paper exp... » read more

Week in Review: Design, Low Power

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $35 million for 12 projects involving ultra-efficient power management. Called Arpa-E, the program encouraged participants to use medium-voltage electricity in new ways with real-world applications, such as industry, transportation and the grid. The top two award winners were Eaton Corp. (Arden, NC) for its DC wide-bandgap static circuit breaker, ... » read more

Fundamentals of Semiconductor ISO 26262 Certification: People, Process and Product

Written by Kurt Shuler, VP of Marketing at Arteris IP Developers of automotive semiconductor devices and electronic systems beware: There may be some vendors who claim their products meet the ISO 26262 safety standard requirements for integration into the production of passenger vehicles without fully understanding the nature of the challenge. These claims might be superficial if they fail... » read more

Big Changes For Mainstream Chip Architectures

Chipmakers are working on new architectures that significantly increase the amount of data that can be processed per watt and per clock cycle, setting the stage for one of the biggest shifts in chip architectures in decades. All of the major chipmakers and systems vendors are changing direction, setting off an architectural race that includes everything from how data is read and written in m... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Tools/Chips Synopsys rolled out a new release of its automotive exterior lighting design and analysis software. The tool calculations and generates images for multiple viewing directions and different lighting conditions. Lighting on vehicles has become far more complex than just shining a beam on the road. The latest technology can adapt to road conditions, other cars, and help illuminate the... » read more

FPGAs Becoming More SoC-Like

FPGAs are blinged-out rockstars compared to their former selves. No longer just a collection of look-up tables (LUTs) and registers, FPGAs have moved well beyond into now being architectures for system exploration and vehicles for proving a design architecture for future ASICs. This family of devices now includes everything from basic programmable logic all the way up to complex SoC devices.... » read more

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