Meeting Processor Performance And Safety Requirements For New ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Systems

By Fergus Casey and Srini Krishnaswami Innovation in today’s automotive industry is accelerating as companies race to be the market leader in safety and autonomous vehicles. With vehicle control moving from humans to the vehicles’ active safety systems, more sensors – cameras, radar, lidar, etc. – are being added to automotive systems. More sensors require more computational performa... » read more

Functional Safety Across Analog And Digital Domains

The autonomy of vehicles has been all the rage recently. There are different levels of autonomous driving, with level 5 “Full Automation” being the target the industry is working towards, and Level 2 “Partial Automation” and Level 3 “Conditional Automation” being the level at which the automotive sector currently delivers the most technology. The amount of electronics in cars has be... » read more

How Verification And Validation Can Create A Comprehensive Digital Twin To Design Tomorrow’s Self-Driving Cars Today

By Shakeel Jeeawoody and Hieu Tran Autonomous vehicles (AV) are the future of driving – and the future might not be so far away. Optimizing the capabilities of self-driving vehicles and the environment around them could lead to a mad dash to the financial finish line for manufacturers. Who takes the checkered flag will ultimately be determined by the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of th... » read more

Long-Haul Trucking With Fewer Drivers

The trucking industry is betting heavily on increasing levels of autonomy and electrification to reduce the cost of moving goods and to overcome persistent problems. The economics of autonomous driving are compelling, not least of which is an almost perpetual shortage of qualified drivers. But there also are a number of technical hurdles to making this work. On top of the challenges facing t... » read more

Multistep staircase avalanche photodiodes with extremely low noise & deterministic amplification (lidar)

Engineers at University of Texas at Austin and University of Virginia developed a light detector that can amplify weak light signals and reduce noise to improve the accuracy of lidar. Find technical paper here. Abstract "In 1982, Capasso and co-workers proposed the solid-state analogue of the photomultiplier tube, termed the staircase avalanche photodiode. Through a combination of co... » read more

System-on-Chip Architecture For Autonomous Driving Systems In Electric Vehicles

English inventor Thomas Parker introduced the first production electric car in 1884. Slower speeds and shorter ranges limited the electric cars of that era. By the early-to-mid 20th century, gas-powered cars were cheaper to operate, able to travel further and faster than their electric counterparts, and quickly rose to dominance. Since the early 2000s, Tesla has been a pioneer in reviving the e... » read more

Shifting Auto Architectures

Domain controllers and gateways are being replaced by central processing modules and zonal gateways to handle all of the data traffic in a vehicle. Ron DiGiuseppe, automotive IP segment manager at Synopsys, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about how automotive applications are changing, what that means for engineering teams, and how they will shift as AI is increasingly deployed. » read more

Security Concerns Rise For Connected Autos

The auto industry is transforming itself toward a future in which the automobile increasingly will be connected using V2X and 5G. Driver assistance will improve, and ultimately cars will be guided by AI and machine learning. But all of this will be closely watched by hackers, looking for an opening and a potentially large and untraceable payout. The replacement of mechanical functionality wi... » read more

Self-Driving Cars In San Francisco

You probably have heard that Waymo has completely driverless (no safety driver) taxis serving Phoenix. 600 of them. But you can't go and buy one. Why is that? Paul Graham, the founder of the incubator Y Combinator, is celebrated for many reasons, but two things he has said have become mantra in the startup world: Build something people want. Do things that don't scale. When it comes ... » read more

A Survey of Autonomous Vehicles: Enabling Communication Technologies and Challenges

Abstract "The Department of Transport in the United Kingdom recorded 25,080 motor vehicle fatalities in 2019. This situation stresses the need for an intelligent transport system (ITS) that improves road safety and security by avoiding human errors with the use of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Therefore, this survey discusses the current development of two main components of an ITS: (1) gathering... » read more

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