Research Bits: Feb. 18

Predicting band gap with neural networks Researchers from Kyoto University developed a machine learning model to predict the band gap of novel semiconductor materials. Using data from almost 2,000 semiconductor materials, the team tested six different neural networks. They found that the incorporation of conditional generative adversarial networks (CGAN) and message passing neural networks ... » read more

Loss Processes in Electrochemically Charged Semiconductor Nanocrystal Films (TU Delft)

A new technical paper titled "Where Do the Electrons Go? Studying Loss Processes in the Electrochemical Charging of Semiconductor Nanomaterials" was published by researchers at Delft University of Technology. Abstract "Electrochemical charging of films of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) allows precise control over their Fermi level and opens up new possibilities for use of semiconductor NC... » read more

High-Voltage, High-Current Electrical Switching Discharge Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods: A New Method toward Rapid and Highly Tunable Synthesis of Oxide Semiconductors in Open Air and Water for Optoelectronic Applications

Abstract: "A novel method of oxide semiconductor nanoparticle synthesis is proposed based on high-voltage, high-current electrical switching discharge (HVHC-ESD). Through a subsecond discharge in the HVHC-ESD method, we successfully synthesized zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods. Crystallography and optical and electrical analyses approve the high crystal-quality and outstanding optoelectronic charac... » read more

A Ferroelectric Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor

Abstract: "Ferroelectric field-effect transistors employ a ferroelectric material as a gate insulator, the polarization state of which can be detected using the channel conductance of the device. As a result, the devices are potentially of use in non-volatile memory technology, but they suffer from short retention times, which limits their wider application. Here, we report a ferroelectric sem... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: June 18

Multi-value logic transistor Researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas, Hanyang University, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Yonsei University, Kookmin University, and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology developed and fabricated a transistor capable of storing intermediate values between 0 and 1. Such a multi-value logic transistor would allow more operations ... » read more

The Growing Materials Challenge

By Katherine Derbyshire & Ed Sperling Materials have emerged as a growing challenge across the semiconductor supply chain, as chips continue to scale, or as they are utilized in new devices such as sensors for AI or machine learning systems. Engineered materials are no longer optional at advanced nodes. They are now a requirement, and the amount of new material content in chips contin... » read more

TFETs Cut Sub-Threshold Swing

One of the main obstacles to continued transistor scaling is power consumption. As gate length decreases, the sub-threshold swing (SS) — the gate voltage required to change the drain current by one order of magnitude — increases. As Qin Zhang, Wei Zhao, and Alan Seabaugh of Notre Dame explained in 2006, SS faces a theoretical minimum of 60 mV/decade at room temperature in conventional MO... » read more