Wearable Electrotactile Rendering System w/High Spacial resolution, Rapid Refresh

A new technical paper titled "Super-resolution wearable electrotactile rendering system" was published by researchers at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Tencent Technology's Robotics X Laboratory. "Here, we present a wearable electrotactile rendering system that elicits tactile stimuli with both high spatial resolution (76 dots/cm2) and rapid refresh rates (4 kHz), because of a prev... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: July 28

Programmable photonics Researchers from the University of Southampton developed a method for making programmable  integrated switching units on a silicon photonics chip. By using a generic optical circuit that can be fabricated in bulk then later programmed for specific applications, the team hopes to reduce production costs. "Silicon photonics is capable of integrating optical devices and... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: June 12

Elastic diamonds A group has developed a way to make elastic diamonds, enabling tiny diamond needles that can flex and stretch. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the City University of Hong Kong and Nanyang Technological University have developed a process that enables elastic diamonds. Elastic diamonds could one day... » read more

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