Cloud Characterization

Library characterization is a compute-intensive task that takes days to weeks to complete. Runtimes for library characterization are increasing due to larger library sizes, higher number of operating conditions to characterize, as well as the need for statistical variation modeling in libraries at 22/20nm and smaller process nodes. Cloud platforms offer a way to accelerate library characterizat... » read more

Leveraging Data In Chipmaking

John Kibarian, president and CEO of PDF Solutions, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the impact of data analytics on everything from yield and reliability to the inner structure of organizations, how the cloud and edge will work together, and where the big threats are in the future. SE: When did you recognize that data would be so critical to hardware design and manufact... » read more

Revving Up For Edge Computing

The edge is beginning to take shape as a way of limiting the amount of data that needs to be pushed up to the cloud for processing, setting the stage for a massive shift in compute architectures and a race among chipmakers for a stake in a new and highly lucrative market. So far, it's not clear which architectures will win, or how and where data will be partitioned between what needs to be p... » read more

Which Verification Engine When

Frank Schirrmeister, group director for product marketing at Cadence, talks about which tools get used throughout the design flow, from architecture to simulation, formal verification, emulation, prototyping all the way to production, how the cloud has impacted the direction of the flow, and how machine learning will impact verification. » read more

Disaggregation Of The SoC

The rise of edge computing could do to the cloud what the PC did to the minicomputer and the mainframe. In the end, all of those co-existed (despite the fact that the minicomputer morphed into commodity servers from companies like Dell and HP). What's different this time around is that the computing done inside of those boxes is moving. It is being distributed in ways never considered feasi... » read more

Changes In Data Storage and Usage

Doug Elder, vice president and general manager of OptimalPlus, talks about what’s changing in the storage and collection, including using data lakes and data engineering to break down silos and get data into a consistent format, and why it’s essential to define data up front based upon how quickly it needs to be accessed, as well as who actually owns the data. » read more

More Data, More Processing, More Chips

Simon Segars, CEO of Arm, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the impact of heterogeneous computing and new packaging approaches on IP, the need for more security, and how 5G and the edge will impact compute architectures and the chip industry. SE: There are a whole bunch of new markets opening up. How does Arm plan to tackle those? Segars: Luckily for us, we can design ... » read more

Where Is The Edge?

Mike Fitton, senior director of strategic planning at Achronix, talks about what the edge will look like, how that fits in with the cloud, what the requirements are both for processing and for storage, and how this concept will evolve.   Edge Knowledge Center Top stories, videos, blogs, white papers all related to the Edge » read more

How to Design SmartNICs Using FPGAs to Increase Server Compute Capacity

Intelligent server adapters, or SmartNICs, boost server performance in cloud and private data centers by offloading network processing workloads and tasks from server CPUs. Offloading network processing to a SmartNIC is not a new concept — for example, there are NICs that offload some network-processing functions such as checksum computation and segmentation. However, the rapid explosion in d... » read more

Getting Granular On The Edge

Imagine a plane flying at 30,000 feet. Two things are visible—clouds and land. In the processing world, that land mass is the edge, and as the plane begins to descend the edge begins to take on a more distinct shape and different features begin to appear. From the air, everyone can see just how large this market opportunity is. What they can't make out are the winning models for success. B... » read more

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