Efficient Sensitivity-Aware Assessment Of High-Speed Links Using PCE And Implications For COM

This technical white paper, originally presented at DesignCon, investigates the challenges of increased data rates and reduced margins in high-speed link design. Section 1: Introduction Section 2: State of the Art Link Evaluation and Assessment of Parameter Variability Section 3: Proposed Modeling Framework Section 4: Sensitivity Analysis of a High-Speed Interconnect Section 5: Conclusio... » read more

Beyond-Line-Of-Sight Troposcatter Communications Primer

Though tropospheric scatter (troposcatter, or tropo) communications technology has existed since the 1950s and was used by the U.S. military from 1960 to 2002, this legacy technology is being revitalized in the wake of concerns around the reliability of tactical satellite communications (Satcom). For several decades, satellites were a reliable and secure method of communications that provided s... » read more

Optimizing Embedded Narrowband IoT Modem Solutions To Meet IoT Connectivity Challenges

As the concept of the internet-of-things (IoT) was taking shape, the communications industry started addressing the anticipated need to connect these “billions of IoT devices” (Figure 1). Since these devices are meant to address low-cost, low-power (battery operated) applications, cellular technology trends to increase bandwidth – driven largely by mobile phones – needed to be revisite... » read more

Power-Hungry Safety And Security

There is a price to pay for everything. When it comes to adding safety and security into a device, the costs in terms of power and area can be significant, but if the task is taken seriously, those costs can be managed and minimized. New analysis and implementation tools are coming to market that can also help to keep the costs contained. But it also requires the right mindset. As more indus... » read more

More Rare Earth Rumblings

It’s time to look at the market for rare earths again. Rare earths are chemical elements found in the Earth’s crust. These elements, which are critical, are used in cars, consumer electronics, computers, communications, clean energy and defense systems. So why worry about them? China produces and controls 80% of the world’s rare earths. Other nations depend on China for these materi... » read more

High-Speed Communications: On The Road Again

Lately, we’ve had quite a lot of trade show participation. I discussed ISSCC last month. I will be careful right now to state that ISSCC is a technical conference and not a trade show. The organizers are quite particular about that. Nonetheless, we were invited to demonstrate our high-speed SerDes there, and we got a lot of great questions from a lot of very smart people. Since ISSCC, we�... » read more

System Bits: March 26

Swear to tell the truth Lots of lies are told on the Internet. Shuyuan Ho of Florida State University wants to unveil those falsehoods with an online polygraph. “The future of my research is an online polygraph that could be used many different ways,” said Ho, an associate professor in the College of Communication and Information. “You could use it for online dating, Facebook, Twitter... » read more

Connected Cars: From Chip To City

As the automotive industry moves closer to autonomous vehicles, ecosystem players are focusing on the infrastructure pieces needed to make autonomous technology a reality for the first adopters, which are most likely commercial fleets. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I or v2i) is a communications model that allows vehicles to share information with the components that support a country's hi... » read more

Executive Insight: Wally Rhines (March 2018)

Wally Rhines, president and CEO of [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor, a Siemens Business"], sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to discuss a wide range of industry and technology changes and how that will play out over the next few years. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: What will happen in the end markets? Rhines: The end markets are perhaps more exciting from a... » read more

Car Becomes A Living Platform

Future generations of vehicles will age like any other electronic or mechanical devices, but they also will need to adapt, grow, and change in unexpected ways over time to avoid being hacked, rendered obsolete, or otherwise compromised. This adds a whole new set of challenges never seen before in automotive development, and OEMs are working feverishly to bring system architectures up to ... » read more

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