Research Bits: May 24

Printed flexible OLED display Researchers from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and Korea Institute of Industrial Technology used a customized 3D printer to print a flexible OLED display. “OLED displays are usually produced in big, expensive, ultra-clean fabrication facilities,” said Michael McAlpine, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Minnes... » read more

Screen Printed Chipless RFID Tags on Packaging Substrates

Abstract: "A chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) tag is a suitable low-cost alternative to any chip-based RFID one. The flexibility to use low-cost printing techniques makes chipless RFID a competitive technology. In this paper, we report an evaluation of the microwave performance of two different screen-printed chipless tags in the 3–6 GHz range. The tags were designed and scre... » read more