Health Care Is Gold Mine For Hackers

Today’s digital health care systems are facing relentless cyberattacks, which are targeting health care organizations as well as the medical devices they use. The critical nature and size of the U.S. health care market — an estimated $3.5 trillion in 2020, with substantial growth anticipated — make it a favorite target of hackers. Vanson Bourne conducted a survey for Sophos in early 20... » read more

Mitigating DDoS Attacks With Secure IoT Endpoints

IoT life-cycle management should be implemented via a hardware root-of-trust to ensure secure updates of firmware and cryptographic keys. A hardware root-of-trust with a cryptographic identifier also allows each IoT device to be uniquely and cryptographically verified to determine if it is authorized to connect to a specific cloud service. Spoofed or unauthorized devices are easily identified b... » read more

Miles Wide And High Security

Talk about security in autonomous vehicles seems to have subsided. It shouldn't, because the problem is far from solved. In fact, it's not just one problem. It's layers upon layers of problems spread out across all roadways, technology design houses, IP developers, network infrastructure, and the entire supply chain. And even though one vehicle's security may be bulletproof, it may be no... » read more