A Full-Stack Domain-Specific Overlay Generation Framework Verified On FPGA

A new technical paper titled "OverGen: Improving FPGA Usability through Domain-specific Overlay Generation" by researchers at UCLA and Chinese Academy of Sciences. "Our essential idea is to develop a hardware generation framework targeting a highly-customizable overlay, so that the abstraction gap can be lowered by tuning the design instance to applications of interest. We leverage and ext... » read more

An Introduction To Domain-Specific Accelerators

After 50 years, Moore’s Law, Dennard Scaling, and Amdahl’s Law are failing. The semiconductor industry much change, and processor paradigms must change with it. So what exactly are domain-specific accelerators and why are they so important in light of the failure of these semiconductor scaling laws? » read more

In Memory And Near-Memory Compute

Steven Woo, Rambus fellow and distinguished inventor, talks about the amount of power required to store data and to move it out of memory to where processing is done. This can include changes to memory, but it also can include rethinking compute architectures from the ground up to achieve up to 1 million times better performance in highly specialized systems. Related Find more memor... » read more