Mixed-Precision DL Inference, Co-Designed With HW Accelerator DPU (Intel)

A new technical paper titled "StruM: Structured Mixed Precision for Efficient Deep Learning Hardware Codesign" was published by Intel. Abstract "In this paper, we propose StruM, a novel structured mixed-precision-based deep learning inference method, co-designed with its associated hardware accelerator (DPU), to address the escalating computational and memory demands of deep learning worklo... » read more

New AI Processors Architectures Balance Speed With Efficiency

Leading AI systems designs are migrating away from building the fastest AI processor possible, adopting a more balanced approach that involves highly specialized, heterogeneous compute elements, faster data movement, and significantly lower power. Part of this shift revolves around the adoption of chiplets in 2.5D/3.5D packages, which enable greater customization for different workloads and ... » read more

Seven Hardware Advances We Need to Enable The AI Revolution

The potential, positive impact AI will have on society at large is impossible to overestimate. Pervasive AI, however, remains a challenge. Training algorithms can take inordinate amounts of power, time, and computing capacity. Inference will also become more taxing with applications such as medical imaging and robotics. Applied Materials estimates that AI could consume up to 25% of global elect... » read more

Software-Hardware Co-Design Becomes Real

For the past 20 years, the industry has sought to deploy hardware/software co-design concepts. While it is making progress, software/hardware co-design appears to have a much brighter future. In order to understand the distinction between the two approaches, it is important to define some of the basics. Hardware/software co-design is essentially a bottom-up process, where hardware is deve... » read more