The Challenge Of Fitting In

Connections between players in the semiconductor industry are becoming critical for survival. Whether the focus is a connected car, home automation, health care or the energy grid, each company in each of those markets relies on others to build useful products. There are several forces at work here. One is an emphasis on connecting everything, regardless of whether it is inside a single vert... » read more

Ecosystem Vs. Ecosystem

The massive consolidation that has been underway over the past couple years is about to slow down. Interest rates are expected to increase in the very near future—the Fed has been dropping hints about this for months—ending the era of cheap capital. The cost of borrowing already is creeping up in anticipation of this, and it's happening globally because money lending is a global industry. ... » read more

Who’s Calling The Shots

Throughout the PC era and well into the mobile phone market, it was semiconductor companies that called the shots while OEMs followed their lead and designed systems around chips. That’s no longer the case. A shift has been underway over the past half decade, and continuing even now, to reverse that trend. The OEM — or systems company as it is more commonly called today — now determine... » read more

The Power Problem

For the past few years, EDA companies have been warning chipmakers that power will become the biggest issue they face at future nodes. They were right. While it may not be the only big problem—after all, the number of issues at each new tick of Moore’s Law is growing—power is certainly one of the most challenging and by far the most pervasive. In fact, the warnings about just how perni... » read more

The Next Frontiers

One of the interesting things about technology is that, at least from the outside, it’s hard to tell what’s actually changing. That’s not true on the inside, of course, where radical shifts are under way. The next big push in smart phones will be much greater intelligence. In the iPhone, Siri was just the tip of the iceberg. Future versions are likely to be much more interesting. Add ... » read more

Customer Perspective: STMicroelectronics

By Ed Sperling Philippe Magarshack, group vice president for technology R&D at STMicroelectronics, sat down with Low-Power Engineering to talk about some of the fundamental changes ahead in how SoCs are designed, built, how they perform and what steps can be taken to speed time to market. LPE: What do you see as the biggest changes ahead? Magarshack: One is the sheer size of the ecosy... » read more

Changes In The Ecosystem

By Ed Sperling For the better part of two decades, semiconductor companies have been talking about ecosystems mostly for marketing and economic reasons. They’re now talking thinking about ecosystems for complex technology reasons that involve integrated models for power, transactions and manufacturability. In the late 1990s, IBM began assembling its own loose ecosystem as a way of shieldi... » read more

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