Going On the Edge

Emmanuel Sabonnadière, chief executive of Leti, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about artificial intelligence (AI), edge computing and chip technologies. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: Where is AI going in the future? Sabonnadière: I am a strong believer that edge AI will change our lives. Today’s microelectronics are organized with 80% of things i... » read more

Priorities Shift In IC Design

The rush to the edge and new applications around AI are causing a shift in design strategies toward the highest performance per watt, rather than the highest performance or lowest power. This may sound like hair-splitting, but it has set a scramble in motion around how to process more data more quickly without just relying on faster processors and accelerators. Several factors are driving th... » read more

Auto Industry Shifts Gears On Where Data Gets Processed

In-vehicle processing is becoming a major challenge in automotive electronics due to the massive amount of data being generated by sensors — especially cameras — and the rapid response time required to avoid accidents. The initial idea that all data could be sent to the cloud for processing has been shelved, most likely permanently. In its place is a growing recognition that data needs t... » read more

Optimizing Power And Performance For Machine Learning At The Edge

While machine learning (ML) algorithms are popular for running on enterprise Cloud systems for training neural networks, AI/ML chipsets for edge devices are growing at a triple digit rate, according to Tractica “Deep Learning Chipsets” (Figure 1). Edge devices include automobiles, drones, and mobile devices that are all employing AI/ML to provide valuable functionality. Figure 1: Marke... » read more

How to Manage One Trillion Devices on the Edge

THE EDGE, THE DATACENTER, AND NEW DESIGN PRINCIPLES: The world of compute is changing rapidly, as is the traditional view of a physical building, or buildings filled with servers, storage, and networking to “run the business”. Cloud computing, distributed cloud computing, and edge computing will all be fed by a 5G access network, forcing IT organizations to think and plan differently. Th... » read more


Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at ArterisIP, explains how these two standards differ, which one works best where, and what each was designed for. » read more

Where Is The Edge AI Market And Ecosystem Headed?

Until recently, most AI was in datacenters and most was training. Things are changing quickly. Projections are AI sales will grow rapidly to $10s of billions by the mid 2020s, with most of the growth in Edge AI Inference. Edge inference applications Where is the Edge Inference market today? Let’s look at the markets from highest throughput to lowest. Edge Servers Recently Nvidia annou... » read more

Reducing Data At The Source

Jens Döge, group manager for image acquisition and processing in Fraunhofer IIS’ Engineering of Adaptive Systems Division, talks about how to slash the amount of data that needs to be sent to the cloud or edge for processing by focusing only on the regions of interest in an image, and how that reduces the cost of moving that data. » read more

Leveraging Data In Chipmaking

John Kibarian, president and CEO of PDF Solutions, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the impact of data analytics on everything from yield and reliability to the inner structure of organizations, how the cloud and edge will work together, and where the big threats are in the future. SE: When did you recognize that data would be so critical to hardware design and manufact... » read more

Less Food, More Thought

A trillion "things" are expected to be connected to the Internet sometime in the next decade. No matter how power-efficient these things are, they probably will require enough coin-sized lithium batteries to drain the world's supply of element No. 3 on the Periodic Table. They also will increase the demand for power everywhere, and that's even before tacking on electric vehicles, the edge, robo... » read more

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