What Is DRAM’s Future?

Memory — and DRAM in particular — has moved into the spotlight as it finds itself in the critical path to greater system performance. This isn't the first time DRAM has been the center of attention involving performance. The problem is that not everything progresses at the same rate, creating serial bottlenecks in everything from processor performance to transistor design, and even the t... » read more

AI Inference: Pools Vs. Streams

Deep Learning and AI Inference originated in the data center and was first deployed in practical, volume applications in the data center. Only recently has Inference begun to spread to Edge applications (anywhere outside of the data center). In the data center much of the data to be processed is a “pool” of data. For example, when you see your photo album tagged with all of the pictures ... » read more

New Ways To Optimize Machine Learning

As more designers employ machine learning (ML) in their systems, they’re moving from simply getting the application to work to optimizing the power and performance of their implementations. Some techniques are available today. Others will take time to percolate through the design flow and tools before they become readily available to mainstream designers. Any new technology follows a basic... » read more

Packaging And Package Design For AI At The Edge

Industrial applications will acquire significantly more data directly from machines in coming years. To properly handle this increase in data, it must already be prepared at the machine. The data of the individual sensors can be processed, or an initial data merger can take place here at the so-called “edge.” Algorithms and methods from the field of artificial intelligence increasingly a... » read more

Battling Persistent Hacks At The Flash Level

Hardware vendors are beginning to close up security vulnerabilities across a broader range of technology than in the past, a sign that they are taking potential hardware breaches much more seriously. Awareness of security flaws has been growing since the introduction of Meltdown, Spectre and Foreshadow, and more recently, the Cable Haunt attack. The general conclusion among chipmakers is tha... » read more

An Increasingly Complicated Relationship With Memory

The relationship between a processor and its memory used to be quite simple, but in modern SoCs there are multiple heterogeneous processors and accelerators, each needing a different means of accessing memory for maximum efficiency. Compromises are being made in order to preserve the unified programming model of the past, but the pressures are increasing for some fundamental changes. It does... » read more

Where Timing And Voltage Intersect

João Geada, chief technologist at ANSYS, talks about the limitations for power delivery networks and what processors can handle, why the current solutions to these issues are causing failures, and how voltage reduction can affect timing. » read more

Thinking About AI Power In Parallel

Most AI chips being developed today run highly parallel series of multiply/accumulate (MAC) operations. More processors and accelerators equate to better performance. This is why it's not uncommon to see chipmakers stitching together multiple die that are larger than a single reticle. It's also one of the reasons so much attention is being paid to moving to the next process node. It's not ne... » read more

How AI In Edge Computing Drives 5G And The IoT

Edge computing, which is the concept of processing and analyzing data in servers closer to the applications they serve, is growing in popularity and opening new markets for established telecom providers, semiconductor startups, and new software ecosystems. It’s brilliant how technology has come together over the last several decades to enable this new space starting with Big Data and the idea... » read more

Changes In AI SoCs

Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at ArterisIP, talks about the tradeoffs in AI SoCs, which range from power and performance to flexibility, depending on whether processing elements are highly specific or more general, and the need for more modeling of both hardware and software together. » read more

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