Mixed SRAM And eDRAM Cell For Area And Energy-Efficient On-Chip AI Memory (Yale Univ.)

A new technical paper titled "MCAIMem: a Mixed SRAM and eDRAM Cell for Area and Energy-efficient on-chip AI Memory" was published by researchers at Yale University. Abstract: "AI chips commonly employ SRAM memory as buffers for their reliability and speed, which contribute to high performance. However, SRAM is expensive and demands significant area and energy consumption. Previous studies... » read more

The Future Of Memory

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss future memory with Frank Ferro, senior director of product management for memory and interface IP at [getentity id="22671" e_name="Rambus"]; Marc Greenberg, director of product marketing at [getentity id="22035" e_name="Synopsys"]; and Lisa Minwell, [getentity id="22242" e_name="eSilicon"]'s senior director of [getkc id="43" kc_name="IP"] marketing.... » read more

The Power Of eDRAM

In last month’s article we looked at different aspects of technology nodes and the multiple techniques that are used to keep scaling on its path of increasing density. From an energy standpoint, it’s expensive to move data around and with the high bandwidth that’s needed to keep processors “fed,” engineers are looking at ways to keep data closer to the processing logic and minimize th... » read more

Powerful Memories

Memory consumes more of the surface area of a die than any other component. So what changes have happened over the past few years to reduce the power consumption of memories, and where are the big opportunities for saving power? Let's take a closer look. A Growing Concern One of the key drivers for SoCs is the desire to reduce product costs, reduce form factors, reduce power, increase perfo... » read more

eDRAM: No Brainer…But No Takers?

By Steve Hamilton Designers in the consumer electronics market—mobile in particular—are constantly looking for new ways to reduce cost and power while increasing performance. This is far from novel. With consumers’ unrelenting demand for more features at lower prices, you would think semiconductor companies would jump when confronted with a technology that gives them a real competitive e... » read more