Domain Wall Fluctuations in Sliding Ferroelectrics (Cambridge, Argonne)

A new technical paper titled "Superconductivity from Domain Wall Fluctuations in Sliding Ferroelectrics" was published by researchers at University of Cambridge and Argonne National Lab. Abstract: "Bilayers of two-dimensional van der Waals materials that lack an inversion center can show a novel form of ferroelectricity, where certain stacking arrangements of the two layers lead to an inter... » read more

Promising Materials Beyond Silicon (TI, AIXTRON, imec)

A new technical paper titled "Future materials for beyond Si integrated circuits: a Perspective" was published by researchers at Texas Instruments, AIXTRON SE and imec. Abstract: "The integration of novel materials has been pivotal in advancing Si-based devices ever since Si became the preferred material for transistors, and later, integrated circuits. New materials have rapidly been adopte... » read more

Schottky Barrier Transistors Roadmap (Univ. of Surrey, NaMLab, PGI et al.)

A new technical paper titled "Roadmap for Schottky Barrier Transistors" was published by researchers at University of Surrey, NaMLab gGmbH, Forschungszentrum Jülic, Peter Grünberg Institute, et al. Abstract: "In this roadmap we consider the status and challenges of technologies that use the properties of a rectifying metal-semiconductor interface, known as a Schottky barrier, as an asset ... » read more

Energy Storage: Properties of Barium Titanate (Harvey Mudd)

A technical paper titled "Understanding surfaces and interfaces in nanocomposites of silicone and barium titanate through experiments and modeling" was published by researchers at Harvey Mudd College, Sandia National Lab and Air Force Research Laboratory. Abstract "Barium titanate (BTO) is a ferroelectric perovskite used in electronics and energy storage systems because of its high dielectr... » read more

Physics-Based Efficient Device Model for Fe-TFTs (Univ. of Florida)

A new technical paper titled "An efficient device model for ferroelectric thin-film transistors" was published by researchers at University of Florida. Abstract "Ferroelectric thin-film transistors (Fe-TFTs) have promising potential for flexible electronics, memory, and neuromorphic computing applications. Here, we report on a physics-based efficient device model for Fe-TFTs that effectivel... » read more

Review Paper: Challenges Required To Bring the Energy Consumption Down in Microelectronics (Rice, UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, Et al.)

A new review article titled "Roadmap on low-power electronics" by researchers at Rice University, UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, TSMC, Intel, Harvard, et al. This roadmap to energy efficient electronics written by numerous collaborators covers materials, modeling, architectures, manufacturing, metrology and more. Find the technical paper here. September 2024. Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Sayeef Sal... » read more

Ambipolar Schottky-based FeFET For Ultrascaled Memory Applications

A new technical paper titled "On the Potential of Ambipolar Schottky-Based Ferroelectric Transistor Designs for Enhanced Memory Windows in Scaled Devices" was published by researchers at Global TCAD Solutions, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, INSA Lyon, and NaMLab. "Here, we promote an ambipolar Schottky-based ferroelectric transistor (AS-FeFET) as an alternative design. We demonstr... » read more

Preparing For Ferroelectric Devices

The discovery of ferroelectricity in materials that are compatible with integrated circuit manufacturing has sparked a wave of interest in ferroelectric devices. Ferroelectrics are materials with a permanent polarization, the direction of which can be switched by an applied field. This polarization can be used to raise or lower the threshold voltage of a transistor, as in FeFETs, or it can c... » read more

Ferroelectric Memory-Based IMC for ML Workloads

A new technical paper titled "Ferroelectric capacitors and field-effect transistors as in-memory computing elements for machine learning workloads" was published by researchers at Purdue University. Abstract "This study discusses the feasibility of Ferroelectric Capacitors (FeCaps) and Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistors (FeFETs) as In-Memory Computing (IMC) elements to accelerate mach... » read more

Tapping 2D van der Waals Ferroelectrics For Use In Next-Generation Electronics

A technical paper titled “Domain-dependent strain and stacking in two-dimensional van der Waals ferroelectrics” was published by researchers at Rice University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas A&M University, and Pennsylvania State University. Abstract: "Van der Waals (vdW) ferroelectrics have attracted significant attention for their pot... » read more

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