Pinpointing Timing Delays Can Improve Chip Reliability

Growing pressure to improve IC reliability in safety- and mission-critical applications is fueling demand for custom automated test pattern generation (ATPG) to detect small timing delays, and for chip telemetry circuits that can assess timing margin over a chip's lifetime. Knowing the timing margin in signal paths has become an essential component in that reliability. Timing relationships a... » read more

Efficacy of Transistor Interleaving in DICE Flip-Flops at a 22 nm FD SOI Technology Node

New research paper from University of Saskatchewan, with funding by NSERC and the Cisco University Research Program. Abstract "Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator (FD SOI) technology nodes provide better resistance to single event upsets than comparable bulk technologies, but upsets are still likely to occur at nano-scale feature sizes, and additional hardening techniques should be explor... » read more

Design Topology Requires Physical Data

By Ann Steffora Mutschler To best understand a design topology and make decisions on clock/register gating, vector sets are required for the RTL tools to understand how to gate clocks and registers. However, if certain constraints are set on all enabled signals in RTL they can be re-used for gating clocks and registers downstream where enablers are not available—even without needing a ... » read more