Are Simulation’s Days Numbered?

In the latest EDAC report, the value of IP surpassed the value of CAE tools for the first time. Verification tools are an important part of establishing confidence in IP blocks and simulation has been the mainstay of that IP verification strategy. But simulation is under increasing pressure, particularly for full-chip and SoC verification, because it has failed to scale. While it still remains ... » read more

Getting Formal About Debug

While much of the design and verification flows have been automated, debug remains the problem child. It has defied automation and presents a management nightmare due to the variability of the process. In recent articles about debug, we examined how much time development teams spend in the debug process and some of the reasons why it is becoming a bigger problem. This includes issues such as ex... » read more

Debug Becomes A Bigger Problem

The EDA industry has invested enormous amounts of time and energy on the verification process, including new languages, new tools, new class libraries, new methodologies. But the one part of the cycle that defines that type of automation is debug. Development teams are spending half of their time in the debug process and the problem is growing. Part of the reason is that design and debug are... » read more

Predictions For 2016: Tools and Flows

Seventeen companies sent in their predictions for this year with some of them sending predictions from several people. This is in addition to the CEO predictions that were recently published. That is a fine crop of views for the coming year, especially since they know that they will be held accountable for their views and this year, just like the last, they will have to answer for them. We beli... » read more

Debug: Last Bastion Of Automation

There have been a number of times when anecdotal evidence became folk law and then over time, the effort was put in to find out whether there was any truth in it. Perhaps the most famous case is the statement that verification consumes 70% of development time and resources. For years this “fact” was used in almost every verification presentation and yet nobody knew where the number had come... » read more

Predictions For 2016: Markets

Seventeen companies sent in their predictions for this year with some of them sending predictions from several people. This is in addition to the CEO predictions that were recently published. That is a fine crop of views for the coming year, especially since they know that they will be held accountable for their views and this year, just like the last, they will have to answer for them. We beli... » read more

The New Face Of Formal

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the recent growth in adoption of formal technologies and tools with Lawrence Loh, product engineering group director at [getentity id="22032" e_name="Cadence"], Praveen Tiwari, senior manager of R&D in the verification group at [getentity id="22035" e_name="Synopsys"], Harry Foster, chief scientist at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphic... » read more

Property Synthesis Throughout The Design Flow For Application In Formal Verification, Simulation, And Emulation

This white paper describes the JasperGold Property Synthesis Apps, members of a family of interoperable, application-specific formal verification solutions that addresses verification challenges throughout the design flow. The Apps synthesize both behavioral and structural properties — also known as assertions — for use in formal verification, simulation and emulation. They significantly in... » read more

Power Breaks Everything

The emphasis on lowering power in everything from wearable electronics to data centers is turning into a perfect storm for the semiconductor ecosystem. Existing methodologies need to be fixed, techniques need to be improved, and expectations need to be adjusted. And even then the problems won't go away. In the past, most issues involving power—notably current leakage, physical effects such... » read more

Formal Verification For Post-Silicon Debug

Bug escape costs grow considerably with each and every subsequent step in the design flow, to the point of being exorbitantly high once at the silicon level. As a result, these high costs of bug escape are driving customers to embrace formal verification for post-silicon debug and to begin using formal far earlier in the flow for their next design projects. The Cadence JasperGold Verification S... » read more

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