How Many Test Miles Make A Vehicle Safe?

The road to reliable safety testing of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is shifting left. Standards groups are beginning to publish functional safety standards that could make it possible to verify what a machine-learning AV pilot application will do in a traffic situation even before hardware or software is released from validation testing. This kind of approach has been possible for some time in ... » read more

Cybersecurity And Functional Safety: The Case For Embedded Analytics

From advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to a new generation of robots and medical systems, we are seeing an explosion in the development of cyber-physical systems. Because these systems use advanced software to interact with the physical world, security and safety are paramount concerns. These issues are reflected in many industries by the use of safety and security standards based on a ... » read more

Challenges Of Logic BiST In Automotive ICs

The electronics in passenger cars continues to grow, and much of it is bound by the strict functional safety requirements formalized in the ISO 26262 standard. The ICs that drive the electronics systems in automobiles are also increasingly complex, designed to execute artificial intelligence algorithms that govern emerging self-driving capabilities. Designers are quickly adopting comprehensi... » read more

How To Automate Functional Safety

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss functional safety thinking, techniques and approaches to automation with Mike Stellfox, Fellow at Cadence; Bryan Ramirez, strategic marketing manager at Mentor, a Siemens Business; Jörg Grosse, product manager for functional safety at OneSpin Solutions; and Marc Serughetti, senior director of product marketing for automotive verification solutions ... » read more

Cyber Attacks Against Vehicles On The Rise

Who is worried about automotive security and safety? I, for one, most definitely am! I’ve written previously about how tackling this problem makes good business sense. But the more immersed I become in this topic, the more I feel personally concerned about the implications of this, and the snail’s-pace at which the market is responding to it. I’ve just read an Upstream Security repo... » read more

FPGA Implementation Tools

Advances in design and manufacturing technology allow increased factory automation, where tasks are automatically performed by sophisticated equipment such as industrial robots. Manufacturing processes require fail-safe mechanisms to prevent human injury or costly downtime. With increasing sophistication and automation of the manufacturing processes, there is increasing need for error detection... » read more

Interconnect Prominence In Fail-Operational Architectures

When we in the semiconductor world think about safety, we think about ISO 26262, FMEDA and safety mechanisms like redundancy, ECC and lock-step operation. Once we have that covered, any other aspect of safety is somebody else’s problem, right? Sadly no, for us at least. As we push towards higher levels of autonomy, SAE levels 3 and above, we’re integrating more functionality into our SoCs, ... » read more

Three Tools Help Put Safe Vehicles On The Road

By Richard Pugh and Gabriele Pulini As the ultimate systems-of-systems, automated vehicles present an enormous verification task, requiring verification of complex sensing, computing, and actuating functions. This can be accomplished only by virtualizing the entire system: the vehicle and the environment it moves through. It also requires a combination of realistic scenario modeling, hard... » read more

Automotive Functional Safety Using LBIST and Other Detection Methods

Functional safety requirements for safety-critical applications are addressed with the insertion of safety mechanisms to detect and/or correct potential failures: their effectiveness is measured by diagnostic coverage (DC). Built-in-self-test, or BIST, originally developed for manufacturing test, can be used as a detection mechanism for functional safety. However, it requires original values to... » read more

Of Aero Shows And Safety

At the end of February, I attended the Aero Show in India - and what a show it was. So many exhibitors from around the world, including all main players from the commercial and military sides of the aerospace industry. Visitors could see everything required to build a modern aircraft: from small components like specialized ICs, cables and connectors up to big parts, such as the jet engines... » read more

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