Semiconductor R&D Crisis?

Research and development is a sometimes forgotten but critical element in the semiconductor industry. The delicate R&D ecosystem enables many of the key breakthroughs in the business. But there could be a troubling trend, if not a crisis, brewing on two fronts in the R&D arena. On one front, R&D costs for semiconductor technologies are escalating at each node. Higher R&D costs are not only ... » read more

The Bumpy Road To 450mm

By Mark LaPedus After its formation nearly 20 months ago, a 450mm consortium has reached its latest milestone by recently completing a cleanroom and installing the first 450mm demonstration tools in the facility. The so-called Global 450 Consortium (G450C) also has set a goal to bring 450mm fabs into high-volume manufacturing at the 10nm or 7nm nodes by 2018. That gives the industry a littl... » read more

CNSE Readying NFX Fab for G450C, EUV Efforts

By David Lammers Two key areas of the semiconductor industry’s future—the 450mm wafer transition and EUV lithography—are the focus of the new NFX (NanoFab Xtension) building now under construction at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany. [caption id="attachment_6322" align="alignright" width="120" caption="Alain Kaloyeros"][/caption] T... » read more