Protecting ICs Against Specific Threats

Identifying potential vulnerabilities and attack vectors is a first step in addressing them. Anders Nordstrom, security application engineer at Tortuga Logic, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the growing risk of remote hardware attacks, what to do when a chip is hacked, and where to find the most common weaknesses for chips. » read more

Common Weakness Enumeration

Understanding potential design vulnerabilities up front can help prevent future cyberattacks. Jason Oberg, CTO at Tortuga Logic, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about why CWE is so important, when it needs to be considered, and why no hardware design is completely bulletproof. » read more

Health Care Is Gold Mine For Hackers

Today’s digital health care systems are facing relentless cyberattacks, which are targeting health care organizations as well as the medical devices they use. The critical nature and size of the U.S. health care market — an estimated $3.5 trillion in 2020, with substantial growth anticipated — make it a favorite target of hackers. Vanson Bourne conducted a survey for Sophos in early 20... » read more

DNS Cache Poisoning Attack: Resurrections with Side Channels

Abstract "DNS is one of the fundamental and ancient protocols on the Internet that supports many network applications and services. Unfortunately, DNS was designed without security in mind and is subject to a variety of serious attacks, one of which is the well-known DNS cache poisoning attack. Over the decades of evolution, it has proven extraordinarily challenging to retrofit strong security... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Autos

Products/Services Rambus reports completing the sale of its Payments and Ticketing businesses to Visa for $75 million in cash. “With 30 years of experience pushing the envelope in semiconductor design, we look toward a future of continued innovation to carry on our mission of making data faster and safer,” Rambus President and CEO Luc Seraphin said in a statement. “Completing this transa... » read more

System Bits: July 30

A camera that sees around corners Researchers at Stanford University developed a camera system that can detect moving objects around a corner, looking at single particles of light reflected on a wall. “People talk about building a camera that can see as well as humans for applications such as autonomous cars and robots, but we want to build systems that go well beyond that,” said Gordon... » read more

U.S. Senate Report On The Equifax Breach

Source: U.S. Senate, Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Here's the link to the U.S. Senate report on the Equifax breach » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things AT&T reports the activation of its narrowband Internet of Things network in the U.S. The carrier upgraded its 4G LTE cell sites across the country. It now offers two low-power wide-area networks to business customers, including its LTE-M network in Mexico and the U.S. “Both networks are designed for the IoT within licensed spectrum and provide carrier-grade security,�... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things A dairy barn without any people working in it. An automated greenhouse for produce. Coming soon, little robots that will weed crop fields and look for diseased plants. This is Rivendale Farms, in the countryside west of Pittsburgh, which is 175 acres serving as a beta site for agricultural Internet of Things technology. The small farm has about 150 Jersey cows, each of which... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Automotive, health care, manufacturing, and the public sector could be transformed this year by Internet of Things technology, Bob Violino writes. Taqee Khaled, director of strategy at Nerdery, a digital business consultancy, predicts 2019 will see rapid evolution in enterprise IoT pilot initiatives and implementations. "This acceleration is due, in part, to advances in manu... » read more

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