What’s At Stake In System Design?

When engineers refer to system analysis, they are referring to tool functions for improving an overall electronics design. What you will gain from this eBook: Power and Signal Integrity Insights into harmonic balancing and crosstalk analysis Learning about loop gain and transmission rates Examining the necessity of power-aware systems Electromagnetic Analysis Knowledge ... » read more

The Value Of RF Harmonic Balance Analyses For Analog Verification

By Pradeep Thiagarajan and Scott Guyton The world we live in is intricately connected by electronic systems that are expected to function flawlessly to satisfy consumer needs. Functionality violations beyond certain tolerance levels are frowned upon and negatively impact the quality level of products. These systems are required to function accurately, in tandem with other interdependent syst... » read more

Modified X-Band Push-Push Oscillator Simulation And Measurement

This eBook that explores the push-push oscillator configuration via harmonic balance (HB) computer simulation and test measurement. The unique operation of the push-push oscillator configuration is explored using HB simulation of spectral content and time-domain voltage waveforms. Dynamic load lines are investigated and utilized to explore peak signal excursion and degree of nonlinearity. Predi... » read more

Radio Frequency Technology Is Found Everywhere In Daily Life

By Greg Curtis and YuLing Lin Innovation is everywhere around us. From high-performance computing, communications, autonomous driving, and the Internet of Things (figure 1), each segment has led to a rapid increase in design innovation. This innovation has been particularly true in communications, as Radio Frequency (RF) technology is found everywhere in daily life. RF technology is critical... » read more

Distortion Effects Prevail In RF Design

It’s an exciting time for consumers of wireless devices, but it’s a challenging time for system designers who must design, analyze and verify that all of the components in those wireless devices interoperate. In wireless designs, distortion effects play an important role in the performance of RF circuits, including mixers, low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) and power amplifiers (PAs) and managi... » read more