Med Tech Morphs Into Consumer Wearables

Doctors have been using advanced technology for years, but the growing trend is for consumers to use devices at home and have direct access to their data. Watches and rings that were once primarily used for counting steps or registering sleep patterns can now read blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen, body temperature, and other early signs of illness. Meanwhile, various patches are under d... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

Siemens announced plans to acquire Altair Engineering, a provider of industrial simulation and analysis, data science, and high-performance computing (HPC) software, for about $10 billion. Altair's software will become part of Siemens' Xcelerator portfolio and provide a boost to physics-based digital twins. Onto Innovation bought Lumina Instruments, a San Jose, California-based maker of lase... » read more

Research Bits: Aug. 5

Measuring temperature with neutrons Researchers from Osaka University, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, and Tokamak Energy developed a way to rapidly measure the temperature of electronic components inside a device using neutrons. The technique, called ‘neutron resonance absorption’ (NRA), examines neutrons being ab... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

Rapidus and IBM are jointly developing mass production capabilities for chiplet-based advanced packages. The collaboration builds on an existing agreement to develop 2nm process technology. Vanguard and NXP will jointly establish VisionPower Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (VSMC) in Singapore to build a $7.8 billion, 12-inch wafer plant. This is part of a global supply chain shift “Out... » read more

Research Bits: April 10

Meminductor identified Researchers at Texas A&M University identified the meminductor circuit unit. Similar to the memristor and the memcapacitor, a meminductor has a memory-like nature where its properties are dependent on previous values. The resistor, capacitor, and inductor comprise the three classical circuit elements. The memristor and the memcapacitor, while earlier theorized, ha... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Apple plans to spend an additional €1 billion (~$1.1B) over the next six years to expand its Munich, Germany-based Silicon Design Centre, including the construction of a new research facility. "The expansion of our European Silicon Design Centre will enable an even closer collaboration between our more than 2,000 engineers in Bavaria working on breakthrough innovations, including custom sil... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Feb. 28

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=83 /] If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit for our global audience. At a minimum, papers need to be well researched and documented, relevant to the semiconductor ecosystem, and free of marketing bias. There is no cost involved for us ... » read more

Solid-State Electrochemical Thermal Transistor Without Using Liquid

A new technical paper titled "Solid-State Electrochemical Thermal Transistors" was published by researchers at Hokkaido University, Pusan National University, and the University of Tokyo. Abstract "Thermal transistors that electrically control heat flow have attracted growing attention as thermal management devices and phonon logic circuits. Although several thermal transistors are demons... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 18

Etching photovoltaics Researchers at Michigan Technological University and Aalto University found a way to reduce production costs of black silicon solar cells by more than 10%. The first prototype modules have been manufactured on an industrial production line. Typically, the silicon used for solar cells is etched to reduce reflected light, although some light is still lost. Nano-texturing... » read more

System Bits: June 5

The right squeeze for quantum computing In an effort to bring quantum computers closer to development, Hokkaido University and Kyoto University researchers have developed a theoretical approach to quantum computing that is 10 billion times more tolerant to errors than current theoretical models. The team said their method may lead to quantum computers that use the diverse properties of sub... » read more

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