Improving Performance and Power Efficiency By Safely Eliminating Load Instruction Execution (ETH Zürich, Intel)

A technical paper titled “Constable: Improving Performance and Power Efficiency by Safely Eliminating Load Instruction Execution” was published by researchers at ETH Zürich and Intel Corporation.  This paper earned the Best Paper Award in the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). Abstract: "Load instructions often limit instruction-level parallelism (ILP) in modern pr... » read more

Improving Performance And Simplifying Coding With XY Memory’s Implicit Parallelism

Instruction-level Parallelism (ILP) refers to design techniques that enable more than one RISC instruction to be executed simultaneously in the same instruction, which boosts processor performance by increasing the amount of work done in a given time interval, thereby increasing the throughput. This parallelism can be explicit, where each additional instruction is explicitly part of the instruc... » read more