From Womb To Tomb: A Lifetime Of Chip Data In A Common Language

Every integrated circuit (IC) has a lifetime of stories to tell. From design through the end of a chip’s life, it can let us know what’s happening all along the way, providing we give it a voice and the language to do so. But until we can gain access to this data, the lives of these ICs remain secret. In-chip monitoring opens up those secrets. It helps to optimize performance, and it is esp... » read more

In-Chip Monitoring Becoming Essential Below 10nm

Rising systemic complexity and more potential interactions in heterogeneous designs is making it much more difficult to ensure a chip, or even a block within a chip, will functioning properly without actually monitoring that behavior in real-time. Continuous and sporadic monitoring have been creeping into designs for the past couple of decades. But it hasn’t always been clear how effective... » read more

5 Reasons Why In-Chip Monitoring Is Here To Stay

When the first car rolled off his production line in 1913, Henry Ford would have already envisioned just how prolific the automobile would become. However, would he have foreseen the extent to which monitors and sensors would become critical to the modern internal combustion engine? The requirement for energy efficiency, power performance and reliability in high volume manufactured vehicles ... » read more

Explaining Adaptive Voltage Scaling And Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling

A Q&A with Moortec CTO Oliver King. What exactly do we mean by Adaptive Voltage Scaling versus Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling? Adaptive Voltage Scaling (AVS) involves the reduction of power by changing the operating conditions within an ASIC in a closed loop. Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS), on the other hand, is a power management technique where the voltage is increased ... » read more

Understanding Your Chip’s Age

A Q&A with Moortec CTO Oliver King. Why is understanding your chip's age important? Semiconductor devices age over time, we all know that, but what is often not well understood are the mechanisms for aging or the limits that will cause a chip to fail. In addition, there is bound to be a requirement for a minimum lifetime of a device which will depend on application but could be two or... » read more

The Importance Of Embedded In-Chip Monitoring In Advanced Node CMOS Technology

By Oliver King & Ramsay Allen With advances in CMOS technology and the scaling of transistor channel lengths to nanometer (nm) dimensions, the density of digital circuits per unit area of silicon has increased as has the process variability of devices manufactured. The increase in digital logic (or gate) density, which equates to an increase in power density, is a major contributor to... » read more

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