Blog Review: July 9

Cadence’s Richard Goering walks through a keynote speech from DAC, which was delivered by Imagination Technologies’ Peter McGuinness, about the evolving role of image processing and what it can do. There are lots of changes ahead in this space. Who’s financing the Internet of Things and what are they funding? ARM’s Brad Nemire takes a look at oort, a Bluetooth hub that looks like a ... » read more

Does IoT Change Design?

Over the past few months, and especially at DAC, I have been struck by the amount of interest in IoT and its impact on semiconductor design. In this post I will look at how IoT impacts the life of system designers — and explore if it really changes anything. Important source of semiconductor growth IoT is clearly important to investors, semiconductor makers, IP and EDA because it expands ... » read more

Money, Hackers And Lawyers

When magnetic tape backup was introduced in the early 1950s, it was stored in vaults. Access was slow. Someone actually had to go get the tape, load it onto a mainframe computer, and start the spool rolling. But at least you could be sure that, minus a well-planned break-in or cloak-and-dagger theft, it would remain private. The latest push into cloud-based storage has altered the risk equat... » read more

What Exactly Is The IoT?

The Internet of Things has drawn its share of attention. It has been overhyped, derided, and in some cases dismissed as the Internet of Silos. But the idea persists, and it’s catching on. So how much substance is there behind the hype? Best guess: Quite a bit. “We do see this as being a fast-growing market,” said Jim Feldhan, president of Semico Research. “The number of connected ... » read more

What’s Wrong With Power Signoff

Reducing power has emerged as the most pressing issue in the history of technology. On one hand, it’s the biggest opportunity the electronics industry has ever seen. On the other, the abuse of cheap power has been linked to global warming, human catastrophe, and geopolitical strife. In all cases, the semiconductor increasingly finds itself at the vortex of all of this, and making chips more e... » read more

Internet of Things Design Considerations For Embedded Connected Devices

Embedded connectivity has been around since the early days of M2M. But what is new are the many complexities and emerging standards embedded system developers need to know if they are to design the latest IoT device. This paper delves into many of the key considerations developers need to know and discusses the critical areas of IoT security and connectivity along with the importance of a prove... » read more

CEVA Targets Wearables

Coinciding with the announcement of an integrated platform based on a single TeakLite-4 DSP, handling Audio/Voice, Sensor Fusion, always-on UI and Connectivity- Linley Group Mobile Chip Report, By Linley Gwennap (May 5, 2014) describes how CEVA’s new and ground breaking platform is a starter kit of hardware and software blocks that a company can use to build a processor for its wearable produ... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Tools Mentor Graphics rolled out embedded Linux software for AMD’s x86 G-series SoCs, code-named Steppe Eagle and its Crowned Eagle CPUs. Ansys-Apache and TowerJazz have created a power noise and reliability signoff design kit, including reference flow guidelines, test case examples and flow setup guidance. Synopsys updated its verification portfolio with static and formal tools for CD... » read more

M2M And The Internet Of Things

Securing the Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/E) is a bit like herding cats. There are so many elements that will make up the IoT/E, it may seem an insurmountable objective to corral them all into a single stable. By some accounts, we’re on our way toward 200 billion Internet-connected machines by 2020, according to IDC. Soon we will live in a world where automated machine-to-machine (M2M) ... » read more

It’s All IP In An SoC

[getkc id="43" comment="IP"] (IP) has become the major building blocks of complex, highly integrated systems on chips ([getkc id="81" kc_name="SoC"]s), which are found in almost every modern, intelligent electronic device. They have evolved into a one-chip solution that manages many to all of the functions, features, and applications that are found in the ubiquitous sea of today’s electronic... » read more

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