Building Vision-Enabled Devices To Capture The Emerging Wave In IoT

The evolution of vision (the eye) is considered one of the most significant events in the history of life on Earth. 540 million years ago, during the Cambrian period, there was a sudden burst of evolutionary activity that resulted in the appearance of a variety of new species. Many of these species were characterized by the development of an eye which allowed them to perceive and interact with ... » read more

Transforming Industrial IoT With Edge AI And AR

The Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved significantly from its early days of centralized cloud processing. Initially, IoT applications relied heavily on cloud-based data processing, where data from various devices was collected, processed, and analyzed in the cloud before insights were sent back to the devices. While effective, this approach has limitations, particularly in environments requir... » read more

What IoMT Really Stands For

The basic goals of engineering include the achievement of a product’s purpose, safety, cost, manufacturability, and supportability, among other things. For internet of things (IoT) applications, much of the essential purpose relates to wireless communications that untether communication from wires and cables. This is especially true of the rapidly growing internet of medical things (IoMT), wh... » read more

Power Budgets Optimized By Managing Glitch Power

“Waste not, want not,” says the old adage, and in general, that’s good advice to live by. But in the realm of chip design, wasting power is a fact of physics. Glitch power – power that gets expended due to delays in gates and/or wires – can account for up to 40% of the power budget in advanced applications like data center servers. Even in less high-powered circuits, such as those fou... » read more

Edge And IoT Security Turning A Corner

Security is beginning to improve for a wide range of IoT and edge devices due to better tools, the implementation of new standards and methodologies, and an increasing level of collaboration and communication across different market segments that in the past had little or no interaction. Until recently, many vendors in cost-sensitive markets offered the bare minimum of security. To make matt... » read more

Advancing AI At The IoT Edge

In a highly connected world, there is a need for more intelligent and secure computation locally and preferably on the very devices that capture data, whether it be raw or compressed video, images, or voice. End markets continue to expect compute costs to trend down, at a time when computation demands are increasing, as is evident from recently popularized AI paradigms such as large language mo... » read more

Smart Irrigation System Using Periodic Advertisement With Response (PAwR) Feature Of Bluetooth Low Energy

With an ever-growing market of IoT and Industry 4.0 applications, a need for newer features arises to support these applications. The latest Infineon chip CYW20829 boasts a set of new features suitable for a multitude of these IoT applications. These features include Periodic Advertisements with Response (PAwR), low energy long-range (LE-LR), 2M PHY layer, etc. These features offer a novel pe... » read more

Lower Your Power Consumption For Battery-Operated Smart Devices

Striking the right balance between battery life and customer experience The number of connected smart home battery-operated devices is expected to grow as consumers look for new ways to retrofit their homes with IoT devices without power cabling. This change leaves device makers in search of new ways to make their battery-operated smart home products more power-efficient at all levels, while st... » read more

Using Formal For RISC-V Security

Finding and closing up security holes is becoming more important as chips are used in safety- and mission-critical applications, but it's increasingly important for chips designed for much less costly devices, where the selling price typically doesn't warrant a significant investment in security. The problem is these devices are connected to some of the same networks, and any access points for ... » read more

AI Drives IC Design Shifts At The Edge

The increasing adoption of AI in edge devices, coupled with a growing demand for new features, is forcing chipmakers to rethink when and where data gets processed, what kind of processors to use, and how to build enough flexibility into systems to span multiple markets. Unlike in the cloud, where the solution generally involves nearly unlimited resources, computing at the edge has sharp cons... » read more

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