Security Gap Grows

There is far more talk about security in designs these days, and far more security features being added into chips and systems. So why isn't it making a dent in the number of cyberattacks? According to the Online Trust Alliance, there were 159,700 cyber incidents in 2017 around the globe. But the group notes that because most incidents are not reported, the real number could be twice as lar... » read more

The Darker Side Of Consolidation

Another wave of consolidation is underway in the semiconductor industry, setting the stage for some high-stakes competitive battles over market turf and sowing confusion across the supply chain about continued support throughout a product's projected lifetime. The consolidation comes as chipmakers already are grappling with rising complexity, the loss of a roadmap for future designs as Moore... » read more

The Skies Over EDA Are Finally Cloudy

EDA companies have been talking for years about providing access to their tools in the cloud, including more articles than I can count with titles about the EDA forecast being cloudy, clouds on the horizon, and so forth. The title of this post continues the dubious tradition of cloud-based puns, but there’s no future tense involved. Recent announcements from several EDA companies make it appe... » read more

Blog Review: June 27

Applied Materials' Sundeep Bajikar argues that to realize the full potential of AI, new computing architectures are necessary, otherwise AI will quickly become unaffordable. Synopsys' Iain Singleton considers why it may not always be necessary to start at the reset state during formal verification and how to use abstractions to get a head start on bug hunting. Cadence's Meera Collier look... » read more

It Takes A Village To Get A Design Done

No one lacks for brilliant ideas these days. In fact, it’s a golden age of innovation. But where the pace of innovation can slow is getting that idea to market. Take for example, the case of one of S3 Semiconductors' customers.. It recently developed a custom chip solution for a company in the oil and gas industry that was creating complex valve controllers that sensed pressure and tempera... » read more

IoT Wireless Battles Ahead

"The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." – Andrew S. Tanebaum The extended version of that quote adds "furthermore, if you do not like any of them, you can just wait for next year's model." That could not be truer when it comes to IoT and wireless connectivity. Every standards group is rushing to create new versions of existing standards that use less p... » read more

Chip Dis-Integration

Just because something can be done does not always mean that it should be done. One segment of the semiconductor industry is learning the hard way that continued chip integration has a significant downside. At the same time, another another group has just started to see the benefits of consolidating functionality onto a single substrate. Companies that have been following Moore's Law and hav... » read more

Complexity, Reliability And Cost

Peter Schneider, director of Fraunhofer's Engineering of Adaptive Systems Division, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about future challenges in complexity, time to market and reliability issues, advanced packaging architectures, and the impact of billions of connected devices. What follows are excerpts of that discussion. SE: What is the biggest challenge you see in the semico... » read more

Don’t Be The Dinosaur On IP Reuse

In today’s competitive marketplace, IP assets are becoming more critical and strategic than ever before. There is a general understanding among all design companies that one needs to invest and reuse IPs within the enterprise for faster realization of an IP sub-system or an SoCs. Unfortunately, from the start most companies have failed to adopt the processes for developing and reusing their I... » read more

designHUB: Design Reuse Made Real

It’s no secret: You can’t get to market quickly or efficiently without integrating and re-using IP technology in your system-on-chip (SoC) design. In the past 10 years alone, design re-use has doubled to the point where today you’ll find more than 150 reused blocks comprising 60-70% of the die area in an average SoC. The companies most successful with their IP-reuse strategies are thos... » read more

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